Chapter 189

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„To be honest, I will miss your long curls a lot, but I love this short hair on you so much. It's so soft and shiny." Y/n smiled, still running her hand through it. „Thank you for doing this. I hope you're not all too sad about cutting it. You loved it so much."

„I'm not sad, I just have to get used to it." I smiled at her. „Besides, it's a fresh start into my solo career and also...for shooting Dunkirk soon..."

„Dunkirk? Oh my god, you got the part?!"

„I got the part, yes." I nodded.

„Fuck, Harry! I'm so proud of you, so fucking proud. You did it! You so did it!" She wrapped her arms back around me and pressed kisses all over my face. „I'm so proud, Haz. You're gonna be amazing in it."

„Thank you, love. I couldn't have done it without you. Without your support in this. I love you so much." I kisssed her lips again.

„Love you too." She smiled at me, a smile that just a few moments later faded.

„What is it, sweetie?" I asked her, gently running my thumb over her cheek.

„Sorry...don't really feel so good right now." She sighed silently.

„What's wrong, love?"

„ whole body hurts and I got these cramps that are killing me." She admitted, clutching her stomach.

„I'll get you a hot waterbottle to ease the cramps." I told her and placed my hand on her forehead just to check if she had a fever, because the doctor said that could happen during chemo and unfortunately I was right. „I think you've got a fever, baby."

She sighed again, pulling the blankets up to her chest and snuggling back into the soft pillows.

I got up, grabbed the hot water bottle and got back, seeing her shaking because she was obviously freezing, so I grabbed some more blankets and placed them over her.

„Here for the cramps." I gave her the hot waterbottle to place on her stomach.

„Thank you." She said silently. „Harry?"

„Yes, love?" I sat back down next to her.

„Can we please cuddle? I wanna be in your arms...please."

„Of course, beautiful." I lifted the sheets to lie down close to her and pulled her to my chest, an arm wrapped around her body. „Try to sleep if you're tired, my love. I'll stay here with you."

„Okay...thank you. You're so warm, I love that."

I smiled at that when she cuddled more into my side.

I smiled at that when she cuddled more into my side

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„Harry?" She then asked for me quietly.

„Yes, love?"

„My management put out the statement about the cancellation of my tour." She told me.

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