Chapter 75

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November 2015
„How are you feeling, love?" I sat down in a chair next to Harry's bed.

„Still hurts like hell if I move." He told you, trying to look at you with minimal movement of his neck. „They gave me something stronger, I can regulate it myself now."

His hand was placed on a button that had a wire attached to his medication that would get released whenever he pressed on it.

„Does it help at least a little bit? The medication?"

„Yeah a little."

„Good, at least something." I placed my hand on his, scared to hurt him if I moved it. „Did they already tell you something?"

„No, not yet."

I moved closer to run my hand through his soft hair, hoping he'd relax a bit. „The doctor should be here soon to discuss everything." I told him.

Only a few minutes later, the door opened and doctor Russell came in, holding lots of files and documents and sat down in a chair next to Harry's bed, on the opposite of me.

„Alright, nurse Megan told you already that I wanted to discuss the severity of Harry's injury with the both of you." He started talking, making my heart pound a hundred times faster already when he said the word 'severity'. „Here's the x-ray we ran of your spine, Harry." He held it up to him so he could see it without moving. „It seems that from the impact of your fall, you fractured one of your vertebrae. It's called a compression fracture." He pointed at the vertebrae that indeed looked crushed compared to the other ones. „It's a T11 fracture which means it's located in the thoracic region of your back. Around here." He stood up, showing on his back where exactly it was.

„How serious is this?" I asked silently, my eyes still fixed on the x-ray as I felt Harry gripping my hand tightly.

„There are various compression fractures, but in Harry's case it's more serious, because it was caused by a trauma, the fall. Along with his compression fracture, he's experienced quite a bit of strain on the ligaments surrounding the vertebrae."

„How will you treat it then?" Harry asked him as he put the x-ray and CT scan back to his other files.

There was silence for a second until he looked up and spoke again. „Unfortunately, we'll have to perform surgery."

„What?" Harry let out, forgetting not to move for a second when pain radiated through his whole spine and he shut his eyes, trying to breathe. „Shit." He huffed while I ran my thumb over the back of his hand to calm him down a little bit.

„Surgery? Back surgery?" I asked in disbelief.

„Back surgery." He nodded. „Usually those kind of fractures heal on their own with lots of icing and bedrest, but not in Harry's case. In his case it's going to be necessary. His is severe, because it's now protruding past his spinal canal and beginning to put pressure on his spinal cord. If we don't perform surgery, there's the risk of more nerve damage and also paralysis. His neural damage of the spine is why he is in so much pain right now."

I looked at Harry who was clearly on the verge of tears, fear and worry in his eyes.

„What is the recovery time and everything?" Harry asked, his voice trembling. I moved closer to him, wiping the tear away that already fell down his cheek.

The thought of Harry breaking his back made me sick to my stomach, imagining in how much pain he must have been, having to have surgery and suffer even more for god knows how long afterwards.

„We've already scheduled the surgery for tomorrow in the morning at 8 am. We need to move quick before long-term damage sets in. Since your case involves also neural damage, it will be a more complicated and intense surgery and that means you'll need to stay here for another few days." Doctor Russell explained. „At some point you'll get a back brace you need to wear to help heal your vertebrae and the ligaments around it. There will be an extensive recovery time. It's gonna be hard and long, but we'll talk about that when the time comes. Right now we need to focus on your surgery. After the surgery, you'll spend the first night in the ICU, but after that you'll get your own private room." He finished explaining. „I'm sorry I don't have better news for you. I think I'm gonna give you some time now, get some rest tonight and then we can start with the procedure tomorrow."

Doctor Russell stood up and left the room, meanwhile I was trying to pull myself together for Harry, because I knew he was scared as hell right now and I didn't want him to panic or feel unsafe when all he needed was support that only I could give him right now.

„I'm- I'm having back surgery." Harry stated silently, squeezing my hand.

„You're having back surgery." I repeated, trying to process all this information. „Are you okay?" I asked carefully. I didn't know what and how he felt about this, but the tears in his eyes gave most of it away.

„I- I don't know. It's just a lot." His tears escaped his eyes and started falling down his cheeks, so I moved even closer and continuously ran my hand through his hair. „I mean, I felt something was wrong and this is just a confirmation, a scary one though. I have no other choice I guess. As long as it will make me feel better and not physically incapacitated, I have to be fine with it. But I'm fucking scared." More tears fell, making me cry as well. „And what about the recovery? It's gonna be a nightmare."

I leaned down, pressing my lips against his cheek, my tears mixing with his. „It's gonna be okay, yeah? I'm scared too to be honest, but I know you're gonna be fine. You'll just have to take it easy for a while, but I'll be there with you. I'll always be there and we're gonna get through it together. I'll not leave your side, ever, no matter what." I kissed his cheek again.

„It's back, there's a lot of fucking nerves and sensitive shit. I never had surgery in my whole life." He turned his head to look at me, inhaling sharply at the sudden movement.

„Hey, you need to take it easy, love. Don't put any more strain on your spine." I rubbed his arm. „Listen, I know it's a big surgery and I know it's scary, but they know what they're doing and I know you'll be okay. This time tomorrow, you'll already be out and feeling better."

„I broke my back." He sighed, his eyes fixed on me.

„You broke your back." I nodded, a shiver running down my spine when he phrased it like this.

„What if something goes wrong? So much could happen." He sniffled.

„Listen to me. Nothing will go wrong, I promise. It's a big and risky surgery, I fully understand that, but you'll be fine and nothing will go wrong. I just want you to know, I love you not matter what. I will always and forever love you and be here for you. You're so loved, not only by me and your family, but by so, so many people all around the world. Do you have any idea how worried your fans are about you? How many 'get well soon' presents and cards they sent to the hospital?" He smiled again. Even if it was just a little one, it was a smile. „They love you no matter what, so whatever happens tomorrow, there will always be people who love you, but I know everything is going to be okay. Your surgery is gonna go well and you'll make a full recovery with a lot of time. You have nothing to worry about, I promise." I wiped his tears away from his cheeks. „But to clarify, I'm still the one that loves you most." I smiled at him, earning a smile back.

„Thank you, Y/n. I love you so much." He squeezed my hand again. „What about the band though? And tour?"

„I'm more than sure the boys will understand. They were worried sick about you too, so there's nothing to worry about and I'm sure they're discussing everything with management already. Tour is cancelled for now. I don't know what they wanna do yet, but I think they won't tour without you so it'll probably be rescheduled to when you're able to perform again which will take a lot of time, but your health is priority now. I won't let you perform or do anything in particular until you've recovered, okay?"

„Okay, yeah. Thanks." He breathed. „Can you maybe tell the boys? About the surgery?"

„Yeah, sure. I'm gonna let the boys know about the news later, but I think we should tell your family first. Do you wanna call Anne?" I asked him, still running my hand through is hair. „She misses you a lot and is probably dying to hear from you."

„Please. That'd be nice."

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