Chapter 156

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„Are you alright, love?" I pulled her in my arms as her body was clearly still shaking.

„No." She let out almost whispering. „I feel like I can't breathe." Tears started running down her cheeks. „Everything is spinning, Harry."

„Okay, alright, you're having a panic attack, love." I let go of her and held onto her upper arms to keep her steady. „You're okay, you just need to breathe and try to stay calm then you'll start to feel better, alright?" She nodded. „Just breathe. In and out." I showed her by breathing with her until she felt a bit better. „Feeling a bit better?"

„Yeah, a litte."

„Alright, then let's go home now." I kissed the top of her head and placed an arm around her waist before we headed back to the car.

Once we got home, she placed herself on the couch, scrolling around on twitter.

„Y/n?" I sat down on the edge of the couch next to her and she looked up at me. „I'm sorry that I pushed you earlier. I didn't wanna make you feel worse, I just wanted to get your mind off of things."

„Oh Harry I know. You don't have to apologize, it wasn't your fault or anything. Thanks for trying, Haz."

„Of course." I leand in to softly kiss her. „I love you."

„Love you too." She smiled a little.

Just as I was about to get up again, she made me sit back down.

„Now look at that." She sighed, handing me her phone to read an article. „I knew they'd come up with some nonsense."

„Singer Y/n Y/l/n and Harry Styles spotted leaving the police station in Los Angeles this morning after Harry got into a fight the previous night, leaving him with a black eye. The couple didn't seem too happy walking out of there as Styles snapped back at a couple of paparazzi, almost threatening them." I stopped reading, because the rest just made even less sense.

„I knew it. None of this is true in any way."

„You know what? I don't gove a damn. They wrote a lot of shit about me the past few years, this is nothing against that. It's alright. We know what really happened, everything else is just bullshit." I told her. „Stop reading the news and get off twitter, it'll only make you feel worse, love." I got up and turned on the tv instead so she would put away her phone for a while just when the doorbell rang and I knew my mum was here.

I went to open the door to be greeted by her loving smile that quickly changed though as she looked at me more closely.

„Oh my god Harry, honey, what happened to your eye?! Where you in a fight?" She immediately came closer to touch it.

„Ow! Mum, no it's fine. It was just a little accident. I'll tell you about it later." I explained. „Hey, first of all."

„Hey, my dear." She hugged me tightly. „How is she?"

„Not so great, mum." I couldn't help bit tear up at the thought.

„Oh baby, come here." She hugged me again.

„She doesn't show it as much though." I told her and quickly wiped the tears away. „Come in, I'll take your things." I closed the door behind us and took off her coat before I brought her stuff to the guest room.

As Y/n saw my mum walk in towards her, she immediately broke down in tears again.

„Oh my sweet baby." My mum said, pulling her into the tightest hug as she wrapped an arm around her back and placed her other hand on the back of her head. „I'm here, sweetheart. I'm sorry this happened to you, but you'll be okay. You'll be fine, darling."

„I just wanna forget about this ever happening." She cried.

„You will soon enough, dear. I promise."

„Thanks for coming all the way out here, Anne. You didn't have to." Y/n sniffled.

„Of course I had to." My mum let go of her and Y/n wiped her tears away.

„How was your flight?" Y/n asked when I sat down next to her.

„It was alright, really. I'm just glad I'm here." She smiled at us. „Harry, sweetheart, how is your back? Is it still bothering you?"

„My back is fine, mum." I chuckled.

„Otherwise are you okay?"

„I am, but this is not about me, you're here for Y/n."

„You guys, I really don't wanna get all the attention here. I'm really glad you're here, Anne, but I wanna leave this night behind me and forget about it as soon as possible."

„I understand that, love. It's gonna be tough, but you're strong, you'll get through this." My mum assured her.


Later that night, Y/n was already laying in bed, reading a book while I just finished writing down some new song ideas.

„It's late, how are you still up?" I asked her as I let myself fall onto my side of the bed next to her.

„Couldn't stop reading...and I can't sleep without you here."

„Why didn't you say anything, baby? I could have joined you sooner." I said.

„You were so concentrated, I didn't wanna disturb you." She explained.

„You can always disturb me, love." I smiled at her. „I'll quickly take a shower and get changed then I'll join you." I went to softly kiss her lips.

„Okay, I'll wait." She nodded with a small smile and I went out of the room, trying to be as quick as possible so she wouldn't have to wait too long.

As soon as I changed into a pair of my sweatpants, I finally got in bed next to Y/n who was still reading her book that she put away as I got in.

„Feeling okay?" I asked her as I propped my elbow up on my pillow so I could rest my head against my hand.

„Yeah, I'm fine." She assured me with a smile and it was the first time I felt like I could really believe her as she said it so confidently.

„Good, I'm glad then. I'm gonna leave the bedside lamp on again."

„Thanks." She came closer to kiss me.

„No problem, baby."

„Harry?" She then asked.

„Yes, love?"

„Earlier, your mum asked about your back." She started.

„Yeah, my back is fine." I assured her with a smile.

„Is it really?" She asked again.

„Yes, baby, it's fine. I'm fine."

„I'm just asking, because lately I noticed you wearing your back brace again now and then. Just wanna make sure you're okay." She kissed me again, placing her hand on my waist.

„You're sweet." I smiled at her lovingly. „I am okay. I just wear it, because it's my first winter after the surgery and I can feel the cold temperatures messing with it a bit."

„Oh, well does it hurt?"

„No, it's not like that pain I've been experiencing in the past. It's more like a pressure and a bit stiff at times. The brace just helps a bit. Nothing to worry about, love." I assured her again.

„Okay then. I hope it goes away soon." She smiled.

„Me too, but it's really not too bad."

„Good." She kissed me again. „I love you, good night, H."

„Love you too, night, baby." I said before she snuggled into my arms.

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