Chapter 84

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December 2015
The following day was the third day after Harry's surgery and the day Niall and Zayn came to visit. We all sat somewhere around Harry in his room, including Anne who sat beside me, watching them catch up with a big smile on her face.
Niall and Zayn brought Harry a little teddy bear with some chocolate they got from the gift shop at the entrance.

„He'll keep you company the next few weeks since you're on bedrest." Niall smiled and Harry chuckled.

„To be fair, I wanted to get you something else, but Niall insisted on the bear because the chocolate goes with it." Zayn said and we all laughed at that. It made Harry genuinely laugh what made my heart warm. Seeing him laugh like this was so refreshing since it didn't happen a lot these days.

„Guys, I'll have to excuse myself for a bit, I'll be back later." I stood up and quickly pressed a kiss on Harry's cheek.

„Where are you going?" He frowned confused.

„I uh, I have a check up appointment with doctor Russell." I told him as Anne stood up just as confused.

„What?" Harry and Anne let out at the same time. „Is everything alright? I thought you'd have the next one in a few months or so." She asked, placing a hand on my shoulder, rubbing it soothingly.

„Are you alright? Is the pain back again?" Harry asked even more concerned, looking worried just as the boys did.

„I'm alright guys, don't worry. I scheduled it now, because I know it would get hard to leave Harry's side the next few months so I just scheduled it earlier." I explained.

„Why didn't you say anything?" Harry asked again.

„I mean isn't it obvious? I don't wanna stress you out even more during this already hard time."

„I'm coming with you." He then said, attempting to sit up, instantly grimacing in pain.

„Wow, wow, hold on there mister." I guided him back down into his pillows. „You stay right where you are with that back."

„But-." He insisted, but I interrupted him.

„No Harry, it's just some blood work, the usual, nothing to worry about. I promise. I'll be back in an hour tops." I assured him. „Don't strain yourself like this, H. It's not good for you and it will only cause pain." I kissed his lips this time.

„Fine." He breathed.

„I on the other hand will come with you." Anne said. „No excuses."

„Alright then." I chuckled. „You two make sure he won't leave that bed." I looked at the boys.

„Oh we won't, don't worry." Zayn assured me before Anne and I left the room, leaving Harry alone with them.


Just like I said, I was done an hour later and went back to Harry's room while Anne went home. I opened the door, seeing him sitting up in bed, looking at me as soon as he saw me entering.

„So? How was it? Everything alright?" He asked instantly as I made my way towards him and sat down on the edge of his bed next to him.

„Everything is fine, nothing to worry about." I assured him and kissed his lips.

„That's good, I'm really glad." He placed his hand on my thigh.

„Me too." I smiled. „Are you in pain right now?"

He nodded. „But they gave me something. It should ease a bit soon."

„Okay, good." I sighed. „Can I ask you something, Haz?"

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