Chapter 59

174 3 0

October 2015
„Nothing, nothing happened...just told him to leave you alone." He replied quickly, still waiting for my answer. „Now tell me, please."

„Harry, I'm fine, I promise. I don't need a doctor, it's fine."

„Alright, let's go home then." He grabbed my bag and slid his hand in mine, wanting to leave the room when I pulled at his arm to turn around again. „What?" He asked.

„Don't worry about me, Haz. Nothing happened, okay?"

He nodded slowly. „I just hate seeing you hurt, you know that and he's an ass for doing that to you."

„He is an ass, a total ass, I know, but can we please move on from this? I wanna be happy with you, even more now that it's official." I looked at him with a little smile that got bigger as soon as I saw him cracking one as well.

„Alright, come on." He placed his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him before we headed outside to his car.

Harry and I finally got home to his house, both of us slipping out of our shoes as soon as we entered.
We got food on our way home so I couldn't wait for that after the show and all the drama tonight.

We decided to cuddle up on the couch with some fluffy blankets covering us, watching our favorite show while eating our late night dinner.

I leaned into him after we both finished our food and he pulled me into his arms right in front of his chest, his hands interlocking in front of my stomach. I rested my head against his shoulder, enjoying the warmth his body radiated.

„I am so full, I think I might burst." I breathed, clutching my stomach, leaning more into Harry. „I don't remember the last time I ate so much."

„Well you should eat, it's only good for you." He chuckled and I felt his lips softly pressing against my cheek.

„What would I only do without you." I said, jokingly but still meaning it deep down.

He let out a cute laugh. I turned around to look at him, his eyes barely open, indicating he was way too tired.

„We should go to bed, H." I spoke softly, running my hand through his hair and placing a kiss on his forehead.

„No, I wanna stay here with you." He whined, pulling me in by my waist.

„You're exhausted, sweetheart and it's not like we sleep in separate beds, I'm right next to you and we can cuddle in bed. Don't you want that?"

He nodded with an adorable smile on his face. „Come on now." I ran my hand down his tattooed arm until I reached his hand to pull him up from the couch with me until he stood in front of me, barely able to keep his eyes open. „You go upstairs and get ready, I'll clean this up quickly." I pointed to the couch table that still had the empty food packages on it.

„No, I'll help you." He insisted. „It's my house after all, I need to clear up my own mess." He reached for the empty boxes that laid on the table.

„It's fine, H. I'll do it." I stopped him, placing my hand on his chest. „You can't even keep your eyes open." I chuckled. „Go to sleep, I'll be right there." I got on my tip toes to softly kiss his pink lips.

„Alright, fine. Thanks, love." He smiled tiredly and made his way upstairs. I watched him, slowly dragging himself upstairs, the adrenaline clearly wearing off by now before I got to cleaning up what didn't take longer than ten minutes.

I changed into my pajamas, what was just an oversized shirt and some sweatpants, brushed my teeth and washed all the make up off my face I still had on from the show.

When I entered the bedroom, I heard soft snores escaping from Harry's mouth, his bedside lamp still on, giving the dark room a bit light. I smiled at the sight of him, lying on his side, his face snuggled into his pillow. He didn't even bother to take his rings or necklaces off what he usually always did before going to bed. He must have been extremely exhausted.

I silently got into bed next to him as not to wake him up and pulled his blanket further up to his chest, to cover his whole body so he wouldn't freeze. I laid down, admiring him for a minute and gently ran the back of my hand over his cheek and along his jawline before I leaned forward to kiss his cheek.
I then sat up again to lean over him so I could turn off the lamp on his bedside table. Just when I reached over, I felt his hand on my wrist, making me lay back down.

„Sorry, I didn't wanna wake you, just wanted to turn the light off." I whispered, running my fingers through his soft hair.

„You didn't wake me, no worries, lovie." He whispered back, his his hand still around my wrist, running his thumb over the slightly blue and red marks that were still there, not taking his eyes off it.

„Haz," I whispered, looking at him.

„Hmm?" He asked, not looking up.

I placed my finger under his chin and moved his head towards me so he wold look at me. „Stop thinking about it, please."

„Does it hurt?" He asked, instead of saying anything else.

„No, it doesn't hurt." I shook my head.

„Promise? I hate seeing this, you know? That's not okay."

„I promise. I know you do and I know it's not okay, but we can't do anything about it, you know that. Could we just let it go now? Please?" I asked, hoping he'd say yes even though I got why he was concerned and worried.

He nodded, scooting closer to me. „Okay." He pressed his lips on mine.

„Thank you, H." I said and he smiled at me, his eyes barely open. „Go to sleep now, you need it." I told him, smiling and kissing his temple before I reached over him to turn the light off.

„Okay, good night, sweetie." He kissed me again when I snuggled back into the sheets

„Good night, lovie." I whispered against his lips.

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