Chapter 105

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February 2016
„Harry! Harry where are you?" I called around the house as I just got back from the studio I was working at for the past few hours. „Haz!" I called again with a big smile on my face.

„What? What happened? What's wrong?" He slowly came walking down the stairs.

„Nothing's wrong." I smiled at him brightly. „You know how I've been waiting for a call from that one label?"

„They called?!" He started smiling now as well as he walked towards me.

„They did and they want me to sign with them! I have a meeting with them this week to look at everything and then sign with them." I explained, tears of joy filling my eyes.

„Oh my god! I'm so proud of you, sweetheart!" He pulled me into his arms, squeezing me tightly, a big smile spreading across his face. „You deserve this so much, my love. I'm really fucking proud of you, so, so proud, baby." He kissed me all over my face, making me giggle.

„Thank you, I'm so happy. That's all I ever wanted and they want me too." More tears filled my eyes.

„This is so amazing, my love, so, so great! I'm so happy for you, you have no idea, darling."

„They said to kick off the start of us working together, they wanna announce it soon and then immediately announce a show I'd do here at the O2." I told him happily.

„No way! That's! I'm speechless. I'm so proud of you. You'll officially be back." He smiled brightly.

„I can't believe this." I wiped my tears away. „I suggested to donate a part of the income of the tickets to a cancer foundation and they thought it was a great idea and that alone just makes me so happy and proud. I'd be able to have a say in lots of things and do things I wanted to do for ages."

„That's so amazing, I'm so happy for you and your idea of donating the money is so thoughtful of you. I know how important that is to you." He kissed my lips and smiled at me afterwards. „I'm just so proud of you."

„Thank you, I'm really proud too." I smiled back.

„As you should." He brushed some hair out of my face before kissing me again.

„Will you come?" I asked him, feeling so overwhelmed with love.

„To the show? Is that even a question I need to answer? Of course I'll come and watch my girlfriend perform. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

„Thank you, that makes me really happy." I hugged him gently, pressing my face into his chest, still wearing my coat and shoes and also my bag still hanging over my shoulder.

„Of course, baby." He rubbed my arms up and down.

„And you? Are you ready for your interview today?" I smiled up at him before I went to take my coat and shoes off, hanging my bag up in the wardrobe.

„I guess I am, yeah. I actually wanted to ask you." He waited until I came back walking towards him as he went to the living room and I followed him, sitting down on the couch. „Would you mind coming along? my support? I feel like I'd be more comfortable if you were just around backstage for the first time back."

I scooted closer to where he was sat and twirled one of his curls around my finger, playing with it. „Aww Haz. Yeah if you want me to be there, I will come along, no problem."

„Thanks, babe." He kissed my cheek.

„Anytime, lovely. When do you need to be there?"

„My driver will come pick us up in ten minutes." He said.

„So I took my coat and shoes off for nothing." I joked, dramatically.

„Poor girl." Harry tilted his head, grinning as I went to get dressed again, putting my coat and shoes back on before I grabbed my bag.

The driver came to pic us a few minutes later just as Harry said and brought us to the studio where they would have their radio interview for apple music.
The interview would be live on the radio and also shown on TV as they were gonna get filmed at the same time.

While the boys all got ready, I sat down in a chair at the back of the studio together with Lou, One Direction's hair stylist, watching as they entered the set where they had to stand behind their microphones, waiting until the hosts were ready to start.

„Gooood morning One Direction!" One of the hosts said into the microphone, starting the interview.

It was their first interview and public outing all together since Harry's injury when they stood in the studio, the hosts, a lovely, young woman and a guy smiling widely at the five boys.

The five of them all chimed in, speaking over one another as they said their „good mornings".

„How have the last few months treated you? It's been boring without you for such a long time." The guy asked them.

„We've just been enjoying our break as we got some time off unexpectedly. It was obviously unplanned so we all didn't have anything planned. But it was nice getting to go home and seeing our families." Niall answered.

„It was definitely a bit strange to be out of the spotlight all out of a sudden, but you get to do simple things, like going to a store without people following you and knwoing where you are at all times." Louis added.

„We wouldn't know." They all laughed as the young woman said that.

„Harry." She then continued with a smile.

„Yesss." Harry turned his attention to her.

„How are you feeling?" She asked. „How is your back treating you? After your scary accident the last time you guys performed and your tweet about having had back surgery, you got us all pretty worried."

„I'm feeling a lot better, thanks. I've still got some limitations and whatnot, but uhm...yeah, I'm feeling better, I'm getting there." Harry answered shyly. I knew he hated being in the spotlight when it came to such things so he always tried to answer short and quickly.

„That's good to hear." The woman smiled. „How much longer until you're considered fully healed?"

„Well, the procedure I had to get done is called spinal fusion and they expect it to be about a year from the surgery before my recovery is complete."

„A year?" The guy asked again, raising his eyebrows.

„Yeah, it was a rather intense surgery." Harry replied. „They took a piece of bone from my pelvis and put it between my T11 and T12 vertebrae to fuse them together, which is like..." Harry turned around, his fingers sliding down his spinal cord until he slid them across the brace and came to a stop in the center of it. „Here. I've got rods and plates in there that are meant to keep it from moving while it continues to heal." He explained.

„Wow that sounds really intense." The hosts both looked at him with wide eyes and Harry just nodded.

„Enough about me now." Harry chuckled. „The press is already thriving with new information."

„Right, I'm sure. How about the rest of you? How does someone in your position cope with your bandmate and friend suffering a massive injury and then undergoing an intense procedure?" The guy asked whose name was Adam and knew the boys from previous interviews they did with him in the past.

„Adam." Harry sighed, hating the way he made the interview about himself. But it was what the general public wanted. They wanted to hear all the details about one of the biggest musical acts in the world in a moment of tragedy.

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