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A week passed by and there was nothing special, I started going to my office after two days and Warren also did the same. And now I was having my breakfast with the Albatross family.

"Son, you have to go to Washington tomorrow, you remember it right" Abraham asked Warren, as he nodded in return.

"Why are you going to Washington?" Isabella asked with a furrowed brows.

"I have a business meeting there, mom" Warren replied.

"Why don't you take Rebecca along with you?" Isabella suggested.
"You can show her around, however your teenage life was there" she smiled.

"I'm just going for three days mom and Rebecca might have works to do as she has a company to run" Warren replied.

"Oh it's just for three days, Rebecca can take three days of leave, however her sister-in-law can manage the company without Rebecca for three days, right" she turned towards me and I absent mindedly nodded.
"See, she said yes" Isabella squealed.

"You know we used to live here in New York, when Warren was a kid but then we got shifted to Washington because-" Isabella was interrupted by Warren.

"So Rebecca, do you wanna come with me to Washington" Warren asked me but before I could reply, Isabella butted in.

"Ofcourse she'll come, you didn't even take her to a honeymoon as you said you just took over the BELLS company and you're busy these days" she narrowed her eyes at Warren.

"Fine, Rebecca and I are going to Washington tomorrow" Warren sighed and got up from his chair to leave.

So,now am I going to Washington?

Even I got up from my seat to leave and walked towards the door along with Warren.

"Don't forget to give a goodbye kiss to Rebecca, son" Isabella shouted behind us as Warren shook his head in dismay.

"Don't mind her" Warren said and I nodded.

Warren was dropping me to my office and also picking me up in the evening as it was an order from Isabella to Warren and obviously he agreed with that.

We reached his car as he opened the door for me, I got inside the passenger seat as he sat on the driver seat and started the engine.

"Sorry, that you have to come with me to Washington" he apologized.

"It's okay, it's not a big deal" I said.

Maybe you should apologise to your girlfriend..

"You guys were living in Washington, earlier?" I asked as I was curious about that.

"We used to live in New York but when I was twelve, we shifted to Washington as dad also shifted his main business branch in Washington. Two years ago, we again shifted back to New York as mom and I really missed our hometown, which is New York and now even our main branch is in New York" he smiled.

Does his girlfriend live in New York or Washington..

But before I could ask that question, the car halted infront of my office building as I said a small bye before getting out of the car.


I was busy typing my mails, when the door to my cabin opened revealing Daisy.

"Hey bestie" her voice boomed as she made her way inside and sat on one of the chair infront of me.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Nothing's up, I just came to visit my best friend" she grinned.
"So how is your hottie husband, huh?" She asked with a mischievous smirk.

"He's fine, well we're leaving for Washington tomorrow" and that piqued her interest.

"Why? Honeymoon?" She asked as she placed her both elbow on the desk.

"No, Isabella wants me to tag along with Warren as he is going because he has some business meeting to attend in Washington"

"Oh!!" Her lips formed into an 'O'

And then there was silence as Daisy was lost in her own thoughts.

"Reb, I've not been to a mall for a while, will you tag along with me today to the mall" she asked.

"Sure" I shrugged.
"But after my work" I said as I started typing again and Daisy was busy scrolling down her phone, waiting for me.

As I finished my work, I messaged Warren, saying that, Daisy would drop me and he agreed as he replied ' no problem'.

"Let's go" I stood up from my chair as Daisy grinned and also got up along with me.


It's been two hours since we're roaming around the mall and right now we are in a lingerie store as Daisy is buying herself some night clothes.

"Reb!!" She called.


"You once told me that you have difficulty in sleeping" she said.

"Did I?"

"Yes, you did" she snapped.
"Look at this nightgown, I bought myself this nightgown last month.."

"You know I can't wear this, specially when Warren is in the Warren" I cut her off.

It was a lacy red knee length nightgown with  spaghetti straps and was and revealing.

"Listen, first" she grumbled.
"You know even I had a sleeping problem because of my boyfriends but then I saw an ad of this sleep well nightgown and I immediately bought it for myself and started wearing it, then I had a peaceful sleep as I felt like I was sleeping in heaven" she said dramatically.

"So what should I do?" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not asking you to wear this nightgown infront of Warren but do buy it, whenever Warren is not at home,you know if he has any business meetings or he has to stay away from you for a day or two, you can wear it at that time and sleep peacefully like you're in heaven."

I agree I have not slept properly since my wedding but that's because of Warren, I mean I have never shared my bed with anyone but suddenly sharing it with someone kind of feels uneasy.

I looked at gown and then at Daisy.

"Fine, I'll buy one" I said as Daisy grinned.

We finished our shopping as Daisy dropped me to the Albatross mansion and I made my way inside with three shopping bags.

A maid walked towards me,
"Mrs Albatross, give the bags, I'll carry them" she said.

"No it's fine, there are only three, I can manage" I smiled as she nodded and walked off.

I made my way towards my room, I opened the door to my room and got inside, there on the bed was my wedding dress packed inside a plastic packet as I gave it for a dry cleaning and it has returned today.

While grabbing the pack from the bed, something fell down on the floor as I placed the packet again on the bed and bent down to have a look. It was Warren's white handkerchief, which he gave me to wipe my tears on our wedding day, it was packed in a small plastic packet.

I opened the packet and took the handkerchief out. It was a plain white handkerchief with two letters sewed on it and the letters were, W and A .

Maybe his girlfriend's name starts from A.

I folded the handkerchief and then grabbed my wedding dress before marching towards the wardrobe.

Warren gave half of his wardrobe section to me to set my clothes, he even tried to help me to set my clothes but I denied it as I didn't really wanted his help. I placed my wedding dress inside the cupboard and then opened the top drawer of my cupboard and placed his handkerchief inside it before closing the drawer.

I took my suitcase out and started packing my clothes for tomorrow as we're leaving for Washington. My gaze fell on the sleep well nightgown, which I bought today.

Maybe in Washington, I might get a separate room..


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