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I quickly hid myself behind the pillar and looked at their direction.
The brunette girl gave Warren a ear to ear grin and kept her one arm on his shoulder.

I thought he would kiss her or hug her tightly but none happened, instead he took a few steps back and he didn't even smile at her. The girl said something but I couldn't hear her as I was a little far away from them.

Warren shook his head and smiled weirdly, the girl suddenly clung to him and whispered something on his ear, he suddenly pushed her slightly and took a step back.

He held his left hand out and pointed towards the wedding ring before saying something to her.

The woman smiled flirtiously, took a step forward and Warren took a step backward with a weird expression on his face.

What is happening? Is she not his girlfriend?

Maybe she is not, maybe she's a random girl who is trying to flirt with him.

I straightened up and walked towards them,

"Warren?" I called as he turned around to face me.

"Here she is, my wife" he said and my heart skipped a beat.

He placed his one hand on my waist and pulled me towards him.

"Who is she?" I asked.

"Who are you?" Warren asked that brunette girl.

So she is not the mystery girl..

The woman rolled her eyes.

"BYE!!" She said arrogantly and walked off.

"Weird woman" Warren muttered and shook his head in dismay.
"Come let's go" he removed his hand from my waist.

"Who was she?" I asked again.

"I don't know" he shrugged.
"She just came out of nowhere and.." he stopped talking.

"And?" I asked as I was keeping my pace with him.

"Nothing" he looked uncomfortable yet he was looking cute.

"Come on tell me, I'm your friend after all" I smiled.

He sighed "she was you know.. asking me... out and then she said she would offer me something and then I showed her my wedding ring and said that I'm already married" he said with a weird expression etched on his face.
"But also she wasn't letting me go until you appeared, thank God you appeared on the right time" he grabbed two bottles and passed one to me and started walking again, towards where Isabella and Abraham were.

We reached there as I sat on my chair and after a minute the programme started.

The host entered the stage with a microphone,
"Hello ladies and gentlemen, before we start, a small opera has been conducted by our team for you'll to enjoy, so let's enjoy" the host said and left the stage as the stage turned dark.

A lady entered the stage, she was wearing a black gown and kinda looked like a witch. She started singing and suddenly a girl entered wearing a white dress, and she kinda looked like an angel. The witch was the angel's mother but the witch treated her daughter like a total crap, suddenly the angel broke a vase by mistakenly and the witch mother got angry and was about to punish her but then entered the prince, who was also singing and he saved the angel. The angel ran away from her evil mother with the prince and they were having a good life in the palace.  They were drinking juice but suddenly prince started coughing and blood came out of his mouth as he fell down and... died? Yes he died as the angel started crying and suddenly the thunder roared and the witch entered and started whipping her angel daughter, the daughter fought back and screamed as the ominous music was playing on the background. The angel stabbed and killed her witch mother and then ran towards her prince, she shook the prince but the prince wasn't getting up, she glanced at the poisoned juice and with her trembling hands she grasped and drank it as she started coughing blood and died.

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