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It was my day 2 in Washington and Warren left the mansion early in the morning because of his hectic schedule. The whole day was kinda boring without Warren and right now I was cooking dinner for both of us just to kill time. It was already eight at night when I finished cooking.

I sat on the couch in the living room, when the main door opened revealing Warren holding a pizza box in his hand. He passed a small smile to me while entering.

He came and sat right beside me before opening the pizza box.

"I.." I opened my mouth to talk but immediately closed it as his head turned towards me, he was just a little apart from me.

"You?" He raised his brows.

"I.. I already prepared dinner" I blinked.

"Ohh!" Was all he said but after a second, he again opened his mouth.
"What should we do?" He asked gesturing towards the pizza.

I looked at the delicious looking Pizza and then at him, absent mindedly I licked my lips as his eyes averted to my lips.

Why am I getting nervous?

I cleared my throat and moved a little away from him,
"We can eat the Pizza now and the food I prepared.." I stopped and again started " we can eat it tomorrow morning as breakfast".

"Good idea!" He grinned.
"From yesterday I was craving for Pizza" he said and took a slice of it.

He gestured me to take a slice as I nodded and took a slice.

While taking a bite of pizza something flashed, more like a light, in confusion I looked at him and he was holding his phone and the back of the phone was facing me.

Did he just take a pic of mine?

"Did you.." before I could complete my question, he showed his phone screen to me, it was my ugly pic, me stuffing pizza in my mouth like a glutton.
"I'm gonna send this to mom" he said as he pulled back his phone.

"No!!" I said incredulously with wide eyes.

"You look cute in this pic" he said looking at the pic.

"But why did you click a picture of mine?"

"Oh come on, mom has sent me thousand messages and called me hundred times during my meetings, asking me the same question, how is Rebecca? When are you getting home? Isn't she gonna get bored alone in that house? Finish your meetings and get back home soon. their are still more messages but don't remember it" he huffed.

"And what did you reply to her messages?" I asked and I saw a small smirk curling up his lips.

Smirking, huh?

"I said : mom, last night Rebecca was so scared, she said that she could hear some weird noises and I calmed her and protected her.
In return mom said: I'm proud you son" he said as my eyes were wide and jaw open.

He just did not tell her that..

He waved his hand infront of my eyes as I blinked.
"Come on I'm just kidding" with that said he started laughing loudly as I sighed deeply.
"The pizza is getting cold" he said between his laughs.

Will he just stop laughing?

But the sight is quite beautiful.

"Let's take a selfie" he scooted closer towards me and raised his hand, holding his phone. I smiled as he clicked some pics.

"Perfect pics. I should send these pics to mom now" he said and placed his phone aside as he started eating his slice.

After eating pizza, he got up,
"I'm gonna go to my room and fresh up" he said and started walking but stopped abruptly,
"Before I forget, tomorrow we're going around the city " he said.

"Why?" I mean I really don't wanna go, I just wanna stay in this house and relax.

"Mom's order, she wants me to show you the city" he said and ascended upstairs.

I just sighed and made my way towards my room.

It was my sleeping time so I wore my pajama and sauntered out of my room and made my way towards Warren's room.

I still don't have the guts to sleep alone inside this room..

What if I hear those weird noises again?

I softly knocked on his door as he opened it, he was looking fresh, maybe just came out of the shower. Hair wet, some water droplets falling from his hair to his forehead and then to his nose and then.....

Warren cleared his throat as my cheeks turned red and I fixed my gaze to the floor.

Did he just caught me from checking him out?

I inhaled a sharp breath and raised my head as he moved aside giving me the space to enter.

He was wearing his shirt and I was glad about it. I entered the room and started walking towards the bed.

"Why didn't you wear a nightgown today?" Thank God my back was facing him because right now I was flushing so hard out of embarrassment.

I'm totally flustered..

"Huh?" I didn't know how to respond to that. I composed myself and slowly turned around to face him.

"I mean if that dress gives you a comfortable sleep, you can wear that, I won't look at you, I promise." He said.

"No. Ev..en my pa..jama gives me a comfortable sl..eep" however I managed to complete my sentence.

"I just meant to say that, even you allowed me to sleep without shirt even though it's out of your  comfort zone" he said.

In return I just yawned and sat on my side of the bed.

"I'm sleepy, goodnight" I smiled and laid down on the bed turning towards the window, pulling the blanket up.

"Goodnight" he said cheerfully and switched off the lights.

Is he gonna remove his shirt?

I slowly turned around to check but the bed on the other side dipped.

He's already on the bed..

I exhaled deeply and again turned towards the window and closed my eyes to have a peaceful sleep.

Whatever it is, I can trust him..


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