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"HONK HONK!!!!" my eyes shot open as I rolled on the bed and fell flat on my butt.

What the hell??

What was that noise??

I looked up the bed and saw Warren sitting on the bed with a party horn in his hand, he had an apologetic look on his face.

Did he really blew that party horn near my ear?


"What the..... Warren??" I groaned and rubbed my eyes, it was still midnight and why the hell did he blew that party horn near my ear.

"I'm sorry, it just didn't went the way I wanted it to go" he apologized.

I got up from the floor as he again blew that party horn which made me flinch due to the rough sound.
"Happy birthday!!" He chirped and again blew the party horn.

My birthday?

How does he know?

I checked the time in the wall clock and it was exactly twelve in the midnight.

"How do you know that today is my birthday?" I asked with furrowed brows.

"Come on, I know everything about you" he shrugged.

"You could have wished me in the morning" I said as I sat on bed.

A soft smile touched his lips,
"I just wanted to wish you first, so I wished you exactly at twelve"

It's always Daisy, who wishes me first then dad, mom and Zyon.

My phone beeped and it was message from Daisy, wishing me my birthday. The message appeared exactly at 12:01 am.

"Who is it?" Warren asked.

"It's Daisy,she just wished me a happy birthday, it's always her, who wishes me first on my birthday " I smiled and placed my phone back on the nightstand.

"But this time I beated her, it's me who wished you first" he winked and I just chuckled.

He got up from the bed and marched towards the walk-in closet.
He returned with a neavy blue long rectangular shape velvety box and he handed that box to me.

"Your birthday gift from me" he smiled.

"Thank you" I opened the box and for once my breath caught in my throat.

It was a beautiful emarald pendant with some small diamonds embedded on the sides of the emarald. It was hooked to a platinum chain and all over, it was beautiful.

"I didn't know what to give you as you have everything so I chose a most common gift, jewellery but this.." he pointed towards the pendant "... Just looked perfect as the pendent resembles your eye colour" he smiled as I just looked at him.
"Um... Did you like it?" He asked, scratching the nape of his neck.

I was mesmerized by this beautiful pendant,
"Yeah..... I love it, thank you" I gave him a huge smile.

"Thank God" he sighed in relief as I chuckled.
"Come on put in on" he said pointing towards the chain as I nodded.
I pulled the chain out of the box and was trying to wear it but suddenly Warren's hand came behind me and he hooked the chain.

"Well I have another surprise for you" he extended his hand out for me and I gladly took it.
"Let's sneak out of the house and go somewhere" he winked.

"Now?" I asked incredulously.

"Yes, now. Come" he said and started walking but I halted.
"What happened?" He asked turning around.

"Are we going out like this?" I asked pointing towards our clothes, I was wearing my pajama while he was wearing a sweatshirt and a sweatpants.

"Wait" he said and made his way towards the walk in closet.

He returned with two hoodies and passed me one. I took the hoodie from him and wore it before following him outside.

We slowly tiptoed outside and then made our way to the garage, we sat inside the car as Warren slowly revved the engine before driving.

We soon exited the Albatross property and drove towards the dark street. He suddenly stopped the car at the side and glanced at me.
"Where shall we go?" He asked and soon a knowing smile formed on his lips.
"Let's go to the midnight cafe" he suggested with a smile.

"No" I said instantly.

"No?" The smile turned into a pout.

"I can't enter a cafe with these clothes on"

"Nothing's gonna happen, if we enter the cafe like this" he said.

A little more solid reason, Rebecca..

"I didn't brush my teeth and I can't eat anything without brushing my teeth" I said.

He sighed "okay then, where shall we go" he asked.


"A long drive and then take me to a peaceful place" I said as he nodded.

"On it ma'am" he said and revved the engine.

The long drive was fun, we were talking, laughing, making fun of each other and knowing each other, I enjoyed a lot. He suddenly stopped the car and I looked front, towards the windscreen.

Again my breath caught in my throat,
"Your peaceful place" he chuckled and got out.

It was the central park,where I used to come a lot, where I first met Tom. It's been very long since I last came here.

Warren opened the car door for me and I got out,

It's indeed the peaceful place for me..

We both entered the park and it was still dark, all the memories I had in this park came crashing down on me and small smile touched my lips.

We made our way towards the fountain and sat on the side of it. There was a peaceful silence between us. We could hear the crickets chirping.

Warren was sitting right next to me and I felt contended. A contended sigh escaped my lips.

I glanced at Warren and he was already looking at me as I smiled. We weren't sitting far away from each other, we were sitting close.

He tucked a loose strand of my hair behind my ear and slowly stroked his thumb across my cheek. Our eyes were locked together neither of us tearing our gaze from each other.

"Your beautiful" he whispered.
"Happy birthday" he leaned in.

As though I was hypnotized, I didn't pull back instead I closed my eyes waiting for his kiss. I did feel his lips but not on my lips instead I felt his lips on my right cheek.

I slowly opened my eyes but Warren wasn't sitting there anymore. He was standing in front of me, his back facing me.

"I think we should leave" I heard his voice.

I stood up to leave and soon we exited the park.


Next update : 26/05/22

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