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One year later:


The doctor yelled as I pushed again.
"You have to push harder." The doctor said as I could feel the pain in every muscle of my body. The beads of sweat droplets falling from my forehead as I gripped the bedsheets harder.

"Ahhh...." I screamed in pain as I pushed harder.

Warren stood beside my bed as he clasped his hand with mine giving it a gentle squeeze and wiped the sweat on my forehead before brushing my sticky hair back.
"Please don't scream like that, it's scaring me." Instead of soothing me he said me not to scream.

Jerky asshole..

Uhh.. I'm sorry Warren.

"I wanted to bring my violin here but these doctors didn't allow me, I'm gonna sue this hospital if you're pain gets unbearable, they are so mean...." he was nervous as he kept on rambling.

The pain was too much and upon that his rambling.... it was just pissing me off.

I tried my best to ignore him but I couldn't as I shot him a deathly glare of mine before shouting.
"SHUT UP Warren, for once SHUT UP. I'm gonna sue you if you don't stop talking."

"Okay sorry" he whispered lowly.

Ugh.... I want to kill someone but probably not my sweet Warren.

"Push!! We can see the head" the doctor yelled again.

Maybe I want to kill the doctor..

"Ahhhh.." I screamed again as another pain shot through me.

I think I'm gonna pass out, I can't take this pain anymore.

My eyes were slowly fluttering close when the doctor said.
"Mr Albatross talk to her, keep her awake. Don't let her pass out."

"But she said not to talk" Warren said.

"Oh god!! Talk something sweet, you have to be her power not her weakness" the doctor said as I felt someone patting my cheeks.

With blurry eyes I saw Warren's face, he had a small yet sweet smile on his face.
"Sweetheart!" He called softly.
"Your strong and I know it. I wish I could take away all your pain but unfortunately I can't because women's are more stronger than men's, that's the reason they carry a child for nine months and go through this hard time. Come on you can do it, just one more push and then we are done. Come on" he encouraged.

I pushed again harder as again the pain shot through me.
"Once everything is done, I'm gonna play violin,you know my new music. I'm gonna play it for you and for our baby. After waiting for so many months, finally we are gonna see our baby today. And I even promise you a hot massage. And you know that I never break my promises." He winked.
"Come on you can do it. Push" he brushed my hair back.

I pushed harder this time and soon I saw a bloody form in doctors hand followed by a soft cries of our baby.

A huge smile broke out of Warren's lips as he kissed my forehead.
"I love you" he whispered.

A soft smile appeared on my lips before I blacked out due to exhaustion.


I could hear some chattering as I slowly opened my eyes. Mom, dad, Isabella and Abraham were standing near the cradle, gazing at our baby. Warren was standing beside me and as his gaze fell on me,
"Your awake!" He exclaimed as all the heads snapped in my direction.

"Rebecca sweetie" Isabella walked towards me.
She looked more alive and happy without the oxygen cylinder and nasal cannula.
"I never thought that I would ever see my grandchild, thank you so much" she whispered as her eyes welled up.

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