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I sat on the passenger seat of the car while Daisy sat on the driver seat and started the engine, we exited the mall. Now we were on the main street and the traffic in New York is irritating, finally the pole showed the green light and again the car started moving.

"You know last night I was in a club and there I met a guy named Daryn, you know he's so cute and he even asked me out" suddenly Daisy's blue eyes turned dreamy.

"And what did you say?" I asked.

"I said yes" she giggled.

"So....when is the date?" I asked averting my gaze back to the windscreen.

I'm excited for her..

"He said that he'll text me" she said.
"I hope he's not like my other ex boyfriends " she sighed.
"You know-"

"Wait!!" I cut her off as I saw Warren's car.
"Isn't that Warren's car?"

"I think yes?"

"But what is he doing here?" My eye brows dipped together.
"It's his office hours" I stated before averting my gaze to Daisy.
"Follow him" I said.

"Are we spying on him?" She asked in a bored tone.

"No, just checking on him" Daisy rotated the wheel and started following him.

"Where is he going?" Daisy asked as he took a turn to the main road.

"Just keep following" I said instead.

Warren finally entered the gates of the city hospital.

Wait. Hospital..

Is Isabella okay?

He parked the car and got outside before rushing inside the hospital in a hurry.

What's the matter?

Daisy parked her car at the other end and soon we got out. We entered the hospital and started following Warren. We were six meters away from him. He asked something to the receptionist and again he soon started walking and we followed suit while being six meters away.

He soon entered the elevator and soon the elevator door closed.


"How are we gonna follow him now?" Daisy exasperated.

"He was alone in the elevator, so let's see on which floor does the elevator stops" I answered.

The elevator stopped on the fourth floor as we pressed the button to the elevator, soon the elevator arrived as we both got in and pressed the button four.

We reached the respective floor as the door opened and we both got out of the elevator.

"Now which room?" She asked.

"We'll check every room" I stated.

The hospital doors were wooden, which had a see through circular glass on it, we peeked through every door through the glass and we finally found Warren.

And the sight before me suddenly shattered my heart. Warren was sitting on the chair which was beside the hospital bed and on the hospital bed was a girl, with a dark brown hair. Her forearm and her forehead was wrapped with the bandages.

Warren was talking to her as she smiled and nodded. She slowly placed her feet on the floor and tried to stand up but she lost her grip but on the right time Warren caught her by placing his hand on her back and on her arm.

The sight was clenching my heart and the pain was unbearable. I quickly turned around and clenched my eyes shut.
I took a deep breath and opened my eyes.

"What is it? Let me see" Daisy moved towards the door.
"OMG!!! Is she the mystery girl?"

She looked excited..

"Let's leave" I said lowly.

"But why?" I ignored her and started walking.
"Reb?" She called and started following me.

We soon entered the elevator and reached the lobby.,
"Okay I wanna know what her name is?" We both stopped in our tracks.

"And who is gonna tell you?"

"Obviously the receptionist" she smirked.

"This hospital never gives any information about their patients" I said and her smirk deepend.

"I have my ways" she handed me the car key and asked me to wait inside the car and I obeyed.

Soon Daisy came and sat inside the car.
"What's her name?" I asked in an instant.

"Okay, someone's desperate" she fastened her seatbelt.

"Daisy!!" I groaned.

"Her name is Anna Williams" she said and again my insides churned.

On his handkerchief, he had two letters, W and A. Warren and Anna. Tears were brimming on my eyes but I blinked back my tears.

Why am I feeling like this?

Why am I jealous?

"It's Saturday right, let's go to the club" I forced a smile on my face.

"Are you sure?" She raised one of her brows.
"You wanna go for a clubbing?" She scrunched her nose before saying.
"Dirty smell of alcohol, people Dirty dancing,crazy people making out at the entrance and near the stairs" she quoted my lines which I used to say when she called me to a club.

"Yes I wanna go for clubbing " I replied.

"It makes you gag, when you see couples making out and the Alcohol smell, still are you sure?" she asked and I nodded.

Atleast I will gag and only that atmosphere would divert my mind from them, from Warren and his girl Anna.

"Okay fine, let's go" she said and revved the engine.


The sun was setting down when we reached the club. Daisy parked her car and we both got out.

I was walking towards the entrance when Daisy called me and I stopped in my tracks and turned around.

"I have a question in my mind, which is bothering me. Can I ask you? Please don't get mad." She said.

"Go on" I smiled.

"Are you falling for Warren?" She asked in an instant.

I just gave her a blank stare.

"Reb?" She called.

"Are you kidding? Let's get in" I chuckled and shook my head.

"Because I can sense jealousy all over you" she said with a stoic face.


"Okay fine, let's get in" she said and walked past me before entering the club.

I followed her inside the club.

Am I really falling for Warren?


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