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Rebecca's age : 10


"DAD!!!" I grumbled and placed my both arms on my hips.
"It's not done, you can't just do that to me" I glared at him as I was fully pissed off.

"I'm sorry princess, but you have to understand" dad apologized in return.

"You promised me that you will take us to Switzerland this vacations" I reminded him his promise.

"We are going to Switzerland Princess but after a week" dad said.

"But I wanna go to Switzerland now" I stomped on the floor as I was furious.
" All my friends are going to different countries for their vacations and I'm stuck over here" I screeched.

"Sweetie, we are going to Switzerland for your vacation after a week from now" mom interfered in our conversation.

"Why after a week? Why not now?" I hissed.

"Because princess, your dad has a lot of work  this week to do, but next week I'm fully free" he smiled.

"Work, work, work and work, you only care about your work, you don't care about me, you don't love me, you only love your office and work that's it" I was angry, everytime he has works to do, he's never free.

"Rebecca, don't be stubborn and behave yourself" Zyon, my older brother, who is eight years older than me also interfered in our conversation.

"I will be stubborn and who are you to tell me to behave myself" I back answered him.

"REBECCA!!" mom glared at me.
" He's your older brother and don't talk to him like that, where are your manners,huh" mom yelled at me as I huffed in anger.

"Nobody loves me" while saying these words, my eyes welled up but I blinked back my tears and stuck my tongue out at them as I ran away from them.

"Princess.." I could hear my dad calling after me but I didn't turn back and just kept on running until I reached outside.

Where should I go now??

It was evening and the only place that came into my mind was the central park which was just a meter away from our house.

I made my way towards the central park and got inside the greenary, there were huge trees and grasses and a fountain in between and at the right side was a small playground for the kids to play.

I walked inside but my mind was still stuck at the drama that just happened in my house.
How could dad break his promise, he promised me that as soon as I'll get my vacations, he'll take us to Switzerland right away but he broke his promise.

I hate people who break their promises.

But I can't hate my dad because he's my dad, my superhero. I know I was kinda rude to him today, he works day and night only for us, for our better life.

But we already have a lot of money..

But my dad needs more and more money for our secured future, so can't call him greedy.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as I saw a crowd of children surrounded near a tree, in confusion I walked towards the tree and I could hear the children laughing. I pushed past the crowd and entered in.

And there sitting under the tree I saw a boy, a bald little boy whose eyes were covered with the thick rimmed glasses, looking scared as he was clutching his violin case hard. He looked at the crowd of children, totally scared of them and then again looked down at the grass.

"Hey baldy, I've never seen you here before" someone from the crowd yelled and the rest of the children started laughing at the bald boy.

Some even threw a crumpled paper on his head as he slowly raised his head up and I saw a thick layer of moisture in his eyes.

He is about to cry..

Even I've never seen him here before.

Who is he??

Someone again threw a crumpled paper right on his face as it directly hit his glasses as the crowd started laughing again on him.

"BALDY" someone yelled and all the other children started calling him the same.

"Baldy... Baldy.... Baldy"

Finally a tear rolled down his cheek as he quickly wiped it off.


I charged forward and stood beside the bald boy.
"SHUT UP!!" my voice boomed as the crowd got silent.
"Who are you guys to call him names and make him cry, huh?" I snarled.
My eyes snapped towards the boy who was wearing a red tshirt and was holding a crumpled paper in his hand.
"You" I pointed my index finger towards him.
" You look like a lizard, should I call you a lizard" I asked giving him a glare but he didn't reply as he just looked at me with his blank face.
"Now, shoo all of you, don't you'll dare come near him to bully him" I glared at each and every child who was present in that crowd.

Everyone whispered something but however left me and the bald boy alone as they all made their way towards their places.

I exhaled deeply and turned towards the bald boy,

"Thank you" he whispered which I barely heard.

It feels good to help someone in need..

He sat under the tree and was wiping his violin case with his palm. He looked sad so I thought of making a conversation with him.

"What is your name?" I asked with a smile plastered on my face.

He looked at me and then averted his gaze back to the violin case,
"Sorry, I don't talk to strangers" he muttered.

He just did not call me a stranger..

How dare he? I just saved him from all those bullys and yet here he is calling me a stranger.
He's such a egoistic jerk.

Ugh, why did I save him in the first place..

I couldn't control my anger anymore so,

"You stupid baldy jerk, don't tell me your name"  I bursted and huffed in anger as I turned around and that's when I heard him say,

"My name is Tom"


First chapter of my second book. Hope you'll enjoyed the chapter.

Thanks for reading.

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