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"Rebecca,Warren is waiting for you" mom came to my door and said.

Today also dad entered my room and selected an outfit for me and then asked a maid to help me out while I was getting ready.

"Yeah done, mom" I said as I took my handbag and sauntered out of the room.

I descended downstairs and saw Warren sitting on the couch inside the lounge, talking with my dad. As soon as their gaze fell on me both of them stood up. Warren was wearing a simple white shirt with jeans but also he was looking handsome.

"Rebecca is here" dad grinned.

"Shall we leave?" Warren asked as I nodded and followed him and sauntered out of the main door.

As we reached towards his car, which was a sleek shiny expensive black car, he opened the car door for me and I sat inside the passenger seat. He made his way towards the driver seat and sat inside, he revved the engine and started driving.


The car drive was silent with both of us not talking, I mean there's nothing to talk.
We reached the jewellery shop as Warren manoeuvred his car around the jewellery shop and parked it at a corner.
He opened the door for me as I got and started walking towards the shop.

He's a gentleman..

We both got inside as the salesman came towards us to ask us what we were buying, we said that we were here to buy ourselves a wedding rings as he nodded and walked inside a door.

"Are you gonna leave now?" I asked as Daisy's words were filled in my mind.

He raised a brow in return,
"Why would I leave you here, even I'm gonna select a ring for myself" he stated.


Daisy is wrong..

My gaze was now fixed on the ring, which had a huge sapphire stone in between and small diamonds surrounding it. It was beautiful but however I don't need it.

The salesman came and stood before us holding a big box in his hand, he placed the box on the glass desk infront of us and opened the box. There were a lot of wedding rings of different kinds, I saw each and every kinds of rings in it and I finally decided to choose one.

"This one"  "This one" Warren and I said simultaneously, pointing towards the same ring.

It was a simple platinum ring with no designs nor diamond. Warren smiled looking down at me.

"You got a taste like mine" he remarked and in return I smiled.

The salesman packed the ring as Warren paid for it, we exited the jewellery shop. We got inside the car as Warren revved the engine.

He exited the jewellery shop and again there was peaceful silence until Warren opened his mouth.

"Do you want me to help you in selecting your wedding dress?" he asked.

Is he kidding?.

"No, I can manage and by the way thanks for asking" I smiled as he smiled back.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

Yes I am..

But I couldn't say that so instead,
"Are you hungry?" I asked him his own question.

"I'm starving" he said.
"What about you?" he asked.

"Well I'm a little hungry" I said.

"Then let's eat something" he said as he rotated his wheel and took some turns and finally stopped the car infront of a cafe.

"Let's eat something unhealthy" he muttered but however I heard it.

He got out and was about to open the door for me when I opened it myself and got out. He smiled and started walking as I followed him inside.

We took a seat at the corner near the window as the waiter came to take our orders.

"I'm gonna have a chicken burger with double cheese and a coke along with that" he grinned showing his pearly white teeth.

That's too unhealthy..

The waiter turned towards me,
"I'll have a garlicky tomato salad" the waiter walked off after noting down our orders.

"Salad?" Warren raised a brow.

"Yes" I smiled.

"So are you dieting for your wedding" he smiled.

"No it's not like that"

"Whatever it is but salad sucks" he made disgusted face.

The waiter returned within five minutes with our orders and placed a delicious looking burger and a can of coke on his side and a simple looking salad on my side.

I looked at my salad and then at his burger, it was looking delicious.

"Let's eat, shall we?" He said and then took a large bite of his burger.

"Mmm" he licked his bottom lips.

Did he really had to make that sound..

I also took and spoonful of my salad,

It's not that bad..

But again my gaze fell on him, eating his burger.

The sight is quite beautiful..

"Don't stare at my burger, I might get a stomach ache because of you" he chuckled as I tore my gaze from him feeling embarassed.
"Here have a bite" he passed his plate to me.

"No, i wasn't-" I was cut off.

"Just a bite, you'll not get fat with just a bite" my eyes switched between the burger and him. I nodded and took a small bite of it.

It's really delicious..

A contended sigh escaped my lips as I passed his plate back to him.
"It's tasty, isn't it?" He asked as I nodded and in return he grinned.

After having our meals, the waiter came back with the bill, I opened my bag to pay but Warren was fast in doing that, he tossed his credit card to waiter as the waiter nodded and walked off.

We walked out of the place after paying the bill and sauntered towards our car, he opened the door for me like a gentleman that he is and then made his way towards the driver seat as he revved his engine and started driving.


Warren dropped me home and the whole drive was silent, I was now sitting inside my room, scrolling down my phone, checking my mails but suddenly my phone started ringing and it was Daisy.


"Reb, did he leave you at the jewellery shop? Did you see his girlfriend?" There was an urgency in her voice.

"Well he was there with me while selecting the ring and he didn't bring his girlfriend with him and he also took me to a cafe" I said.

"Oh" she paused for a while.
"I know which kind of billionaire groom he is"

"Which kind?" I asked as I sighed

She's never gonna stop this..

"Before marriage, he'll treat you like a sweet saccharine and then after marriage, he'll show you his true colours." Again I sighed.

"Done?" I asked.

"Yes" she replied.

"I have some work, I'll call you back later." With that said I disconnected the call and put my phone aside.

Within a month, my life is gonna change for a year..


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