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I finished drinking my milk within a minute and stood up from my chair as it was already four in the evening.

"I'm done" I said and was about to leave when my mom called me.

"Where are you going, sweetie? I mean every evening you go somewhere"

"Yes where are you going Rebecca?" Zyon asked me the same question with a raised brow.

"Every evening I go to the central park because if I stay at home I'm gonna die out of boredom" I rolled my eyes.

"REBECCA!!" mom glared at me.
"Don't use such words for yourself" she was still glaring at me.

"Okay" I sighed.

"All your friends from neighbourhood are not here as their enjoying their vacations in different places, with whom are you playing there" Zyon started his interrogation.

"I've got a new friend in the park whose waiting for me, so now can I go?" I forced a smile on my face.

"What's her name?" Zyon asked further.


"Her name is Tina" I lied because if I say her name is Tom, I for sure know that Zyon will tag along, which I don't want.
"So now can I go?" I asked.

"Never heard that name before, from your mouth." Zyon muttered before saying,
"How does she looks?" He asked.

"Why? Do you wanna date her?" I again rolled my eyes.

"REBECCA!!" Zyon called sternly, " answer my question"

"He..- I mean, she has short hair, rosy cheeks and a pale skin, she might be my age or a year older than me" I completed as I described Tom exactly the way he is, except of his hair.
"So now can I go?" I tapped my foot impatiently on the wooden flooring as it was already quater past four.

"How is-" Zyon was cut off by dad.

"Zyon stop with the question, she's getting late, she has to meet her friend in the park" dad said.

Thanks dad..

Dad turned towards me,
"Rebecca you go and enjoy yourself in the park"

"Yes dad, thank you dad" I expressed my gratitude towards dad by bowing and then I left my house.

As soon as I reached the park I saw Tom sitting under the tree waiting for me.
"Hey Tom" I called as I made my way towards him.

"Hi Bexi" he greeted back as I sat beside him.

"So how was your day today?" I asked just to make a conversation with him.

"It was good" he said shaking his head slightly.
"Yours?" He asked.

I scoffed "mine was hella boring" I said as he just chuckled in response.

"Come let's play something" I said as I stood up and stretched my arms above my head.

"Okay" he stood up along with me.
"But what are we gonna play?" He asked.

"We are gonna play..." I paused thinking of a game.
"Hide and seek" I grinned as he nodded with a smile.

Tom was the catcher and I was the one who had to hide, I hid behind the tree as Tom started searching for me.

Tom was searching for me everywhere but suddenly I heard,
"Caught you!!" Tom yelled as I was just few feets apart from him.

I started running as he also started running behind me.

I didn't recognise that there was a small stone infront of me as my leg collided with the stone as I lost my balance and fell on the muddy floor with full force as I scraped my knees.

I was wearing a knee length frock and my knees were open.

"Oww!" I sobbed as I saw a little blood coming out of the small gash.

"Hey, your alright?" Tom came and crouched down infront of me.

"No, my knee is bleeding" I sniffled.

He took my hand and placed it around his shoulder and then slowly made me stand up, as I stood and slowly started walking with him.

He made me sit on the nearby bench and then kneeled down infront of me as he blew some air on my scraped knee.

"It's gonna be alright" he said as he pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and wrapped it around my wound.
"Are you okay now?" He asked softly.

I nodded as I sniffled and wiped my tears,
"I'm okay"

"Come on cheer up then" he patted my shoulder and smiled.
"Your green are so enchanting and beautiful, tears doesn't suit those beautiful green orbs"

I smiled at his compliment.
"I'm cheering up" I said as he sat beside me on the bench.

And again a tear rolled my cheek but Tom instantly wiped it off.
"Please don't cry, I can't see my friend cry" he said.

"Okay" I sniffled and tried to stop myself from crying.

"You're so beautiful Bexi, everything about you is so beautiful" he said all those beautiful sweet words to me which only made me smile.

After a while, I felt better as I stopped crying and at the same time that stupid alarm watch of Tom's started ringing as Tom pressed a button in his watch and looked at me.

"You're leaving?" I asked

"Yes, it's time to go, see you tomorrow" he said with soft smile as I nodded.

He got up from the bench and then started walking towards the exit as I just stared at his retreating figure until it disappeared.

I sighed and averted my gaze to the other direction but as my gaze fell on that direction, my nostrils flared.

Because Zyon was coming in my direction.
"Hey Reb-"

"Are you spying on me?" I cut him off as I yelled.

"What? No, I'm not, I just came here to pick you" he defended himself.

"With the grace of the almighty, who blessed me with two legs so that I can walk back home and a brain which can hold a lot of memory to remind me the route to our house. So why do I need you when God has granted me so much, huh?" I glared at him.

"Melodrama!" he rolled his eyes.

"Why are you here?" I snapped at him.

"I was just worried about you, so I just wanted to see you" he said.

"You wanted to see me or Tina" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Oh god" he groaned.
"By the way, where is she?" He asked looking around.

"Who? Tina?" I asked as he nodded.
"Why are you after her? Do you wanna date her?" I raised one of my brow.

He scoffed in return,
"Oh please! She's like a sister to me and why in Earth would I date a girl who is eight or seven years younger than me"

"Good that you think her as your sister because she doesn't do dating stuff" I said.

"Why?" He asked wrinkling his nose.

"Should I go and date someone, Zyon?"

"No!!" He said immediately with a stern voice.

"That the reason why Tina doesn't date, because she's very young to do such stuffs and her father, brother doesn't allow her to do such stuffs" I said as a matter of fact.

"Right" Zyon nodded in understanding.
" Now come let's go"  he said and grasped my hand and started walking with me.


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