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"Y/N, grab on!" Nate yelled as i dangled from two stories, trying to steal a damn map that Sam insisted on us getting... from a rope.

"I'm trying, douche bag! You think I wanna die?" I yelled back, gripping the rope.

"Holy hell, Y/N! Just grab on!" Sam yelled. He was getting impatient as he shoved Nate away and reached down to grab my hand. "Hurry! We're gonna get caught!" He looked back and I pulled myself up. (With no thanks to Sam, or Nate, who stood there-literally- twiddling his thumbs, might i add). I punched Sam and followed him to the hall. As soon as we turned the corner, I saw it. The glass case that held the map that Sam wanted. Jees that's a mouthful.

"Uh, what's so special about this?" I asked and cocked my hip. I glared at it and then back at Sam and raised an eyebrow. He looked at my with shock.

"Are you dumb?" He asked shaking my shoulders.

"Excuse me?" I took a step forward and Nate flinched and Sam fell to the ground and scowled. I backed off.

"Sorry... just- sorry. These maps," he pointed to the glass case, "are what will lead us to the ships Magellan rode and left in a cave in an island... full of gold." My eyes widened.

"What?! Why the hell have you been keeping us from this? How much gold?" I yelled.

"$4-6 million worth of gold. We could be rich!" I sighed. If only I'd had that kind of money. My dads got loads of it and doesn't donate one penny to me. So I'm stuck fending for myself with a job and barely any time for school. What a douche bag, I don't need him anyway.

"What... the... fuck! Why didn't you say so before?! We're gonna be rich! Imagine what we could do with $4-6 million! We could escape from this shitty place, we could live in parad-" Nate kicked my shin and I punched him back. He feel on the ground and I laughed, but then Sam cut me off.

"Y/N! We have to break this thing out of the freaking case first, and then find the ships, then... there's a gold cross-"

"Hold, the hell up. Nobody said anything about-"

"You there!" We all turned our heads in the direction of the call, but immediately regretted it. Our eyes widened as we saw sister Bernadette and the museum guard pointing a flashlight at us. Although Sister Bernadette looked very disappointed, I couldn't help but stifle a snicker. Nate glared at me and I looked down.

"What are you doing? Stop!" He shifted his scowl to the now running Sam and Nate. What the hell?! When did they decide to run and why was I not included in this planning? I scoffed and turned around slowly when the guard cleared his throat. I smiled and clapped my hands together.

"Well... it's been nice, but I better..." I turned around and ran, my feet sliding against the floor when I ran around the corner. When I got back in there, Sam was shoving some clothes into a bag. I flopped onto his bed, out of breath.

"What the hell was that for? You totally just left me!" I screamed. Nate was sitting on his bed, looking sad. I sat up. "What's going on?" I asked skeptically. Sam continued shoving things into his bag like a useless dick, so I turned to Nate. He turned away.

"I'm going to find the ships," he said as me and Nate watched him fly around the room grabbing things from his bed, to his closet, and back to his desk. I stood up and turned him around, grabbing his shoulder. He looked at my hand and gulped. I looked at him, genuinely worried.

"What? Sam, don't be stupid. The ships are gone-" he cut me off.

"Lost. The ships are lost. There's a difference." I scoffed and shook my head. I started speaking, but Nate stood up and threw something at the wall.

"So you're just gonna leave, just like that? Just like mom and dad?" His eyes were glossy. "Mom and dad are lost and I don't want that to happen to you either."

"Mom and dad are gone..." Sam said softly, looking down. I looked down, feeling a little awkward, but knowing what they felt. I found myself thinking about mom. How she went missing one day. How she never came back. I felt a small tear rolling down my cheek. It hurt to thinking about it. When I looked back up, Sam was climbing out the window.

Okay, here's chapter 1. Tell me if you guys like it! I put my other story on hold for this, so I hope you guys like it. Also sorry this chapter was pretty long. The others won't be that long, but this is the first one so idk lol. I'm planning on like 20+ chapters or something.

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