t h i r t y - f i v e

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My hand gripped Nate's as we both sat down at a table across from a man with an eye patch.

"You're late." The man grumbled.

"Yeah, sorry about that man." I said as I crossed my legs underneath the table.

He leaned in closer to us. "Why do you guys want the map?"

I looked at Nate who looked at me with a small smile. "I mean, I'll tell you..." he held up his ring he always carries around. "If you tell me what Roman wants with my ring." He looked at me. "And my girlfriend's necklace."

I smiled at the sound of him calling me his girlfriend. It had been 6 months, and I still hadn't gotten used to it. I loved it.

The man raised his eyebrows. He was shocked as he looked at me. "Girlfriend, huh?" Nate nodded and put his hand on my thigh, smiling at me, then looking back at the man. He grabbed Nate's ring from him and stared at my necklace. "Because he knows it means somethin' special to the both of you."

Nate sighed and looked at me, then back at the man. "Okay, let's have it-" he reached across the table to grab his ring back, when the man stood up, his ring still in his hand.

"Ima need that necklace." He looked at me.

"Never." I replied, my voice shaking a bit.

Nate stood up, putting himself in front of me to protect me from the man, and all the other men behind us pointing their guns at us. He sighed in defeat as the man pulled Nate's ring down his finger, and a man came behind me, yanking my necklace off my neck, and handing it to the man in front of us.

"Hey!" I yelled, in useless attempt to grab my necklace back.

"Now, you're gonna tell me what's so important about an old Nazi map."

Nate started to say something, when he was interrupted by a voice we both knew well.

"Hey! Put 'em down boys. Nice and slow." I turned around, and my eyes widened at the sight of my dad.

"Dad!" I yelled, standing up and rushing over to him, throwing myself into his arms.

"Hey, kiddo. How you been?" He said as he ruffled his hands through my hair.

I laughed and looked up, pausing. Nate came up to me laughing as he was looking at the same thing I was.

"What- what is that thing on your face?" Nate said, as he couldn't  control his laughter.

"Puberty's right around the corner, kid. You can grow your own." My dad replied, and I laughed.

I gasped as I felt a gun press against the back of my head. Nate turned around, yanking the gun out of the man's hand, turning it around on him.

The man grunted as he sat back down in the chair.

"You got what you want." Nate picked up the map on the table. "And I got what I want." He smiled as he yanked his ring off the man's finger, and pulling me necklace off his neck.

"It's always a pleasure doing business with you man." I said, fake saluting to him.

"I got friends everywhere, Drake."

"Oh yeah? We can't wait to meet them." Nate said, putting his hand around my waist.

"You were supposed to be here yesterday, dad." I whispered as I turned to him.

"Yeah? Well did you know you need special papers to bring an animal on a plane?" He asked me. "I did not know that.

I looked at him confused. "What?"

"Sully are you trying to tell me I almost just bought it because you brought your damn cat?" Nate said angrily.

"Hey, I go everywhere with Mr. Whiskers, okay?" My dad showed us his backpack, as his cat popped his head out of the front pocket.

I mentally facepalmed as I looked at the cat.

"Let me see the map." My dad grabbed it from Nate's hand and looked at it. "This is the big one, kids."

Nate looked down at me smiling. "You ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." I replied with a smile.


you have no idea how happy i am rn. like i could freaking cry. this is the first story i have ever finished n i can't believe i actually did it. AHHHH

i'm definitely gonna go back n edit it a bit to add some more alone time n romance scenes between Nate n Y/n. also I might change her name to an oc name, but i need some ideas. what name do you think suits her best? or do you want me to keep it as y/n? let me know😋😋😋

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