t w e n t y - t w o

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We plummeted towards the huge sea, Nate still on the front of the car.

"What the hell, Chloe?" I screamed. She was laughing. I glared at her and turned back around, trying to think of what to do. Then it hit me.

I slowly moved over to the passenger seat, making sure Chloe didn't see me. She was watching out the windows as we fell. I quickly opened the door.

"Shit!" My foot slipped, almost causing me to fall out of the car. I caught my balance and swung my left leg over the door and climbed onto the front of the car where Nate was turned around. He was screaming so I covered my ears.

"Oh, my god! Will you shut up?" I yelled. He whipped around and almost fell off. I gasped and grabbed a hold of his wrist. "Grab on!" He grasped my wrists and helped me pull him up.

"Y/n?" He looked intently into my eyes. "I thought I lost-" he started, but there was no time.

"It doesn't matter, i'm here now! Grab onto my hand, and on the count of three, we're gonna jump!" I screamed over the rushing wind as it passed by my face. "3...2..." he looked at me and squeezed his eyes closed, as did I. "...1!" We leaped off the front of the car, falling down into the water with a big crash. My head throbbed from the pressure as I struggled to swim up, when I realized... I had never learned how to swim.


The wind rushed past me as the car plummeted towards the sea. I think i'm going to die. Oh god, i'm going to die! I screamed, even though there was no use. Nobody was going to here us out here. What if I jump? That could work, I can swim. Oh heck, i'm a great swimmer. But before I had even made a decisions I heard a voice behind me. No, it couldn't be... but it was. I knew that voice anywhere. I slowly turned around, coming face to face with...


"Oh, my god! Will you shut up?" At the sound of her voice, her sweet, sweet voice, my foot slipped and I started falling.

Before my body left the car, something grabbed my wrists. I looked up and saw y/n holding onto me with all her might. Damn, she's strong.

"Grab on!" She yelled and helped me pull myself up. I got back onto my feet (as much as I could, considering I was on a falling car) and stared at her. The idiot in me told me to kiss her. The smart part of me told me to smack her. But mostly, the best friend in me told me to hug her.

"Y/n? I thought I lost-" before I could finish, she cut me off. Her voice was filled with fear and urgency.

"It doesn't matter. I'm here now! Grab on to my hand, and on the count of three, we're gonna jump!" The wind blew her hair into her face. I wanted to lift my hand up and brush it out of her eyes. Instead, I used my brain and did as I was told. I grabbed onto her hand as she started counting down. "3...2..." she looked at me and smiled softly. Her smile never ceased to take my breath away. God, she's gorgeous. "1!" She screamed and we both jumped, falling towards the array of water.

I kicked my feet as my body floated towards the top. When I got up to the surface of the water, I looked around for y/n, with no luck. I couldn't see her anywhere. "Y/n!" I screamed, yet again, no answer. I dived back under and searched for her. I swam towards a cloud of bubbles, hoping she'd be in there. I kicked my legs back up for air and dove back down, and there she was. Her body was limp as I dragged it back to the surface of the water.

I placed her carefully on top of one of the boxes that managed to land where we fell. I climbed on top of the box next to her and smashed my lips against hers, attempting mouth-to-mouth. I pulled away and jiggled her limp body. As I was going back down for a second try, she shot up and coughed water out. I sighed in relief.

"You've gotta stop doing that." I said and she laughed weakly. There was a moment of silence as I let her catch her breath.

"So where does this ocean lead?" She asked. I shrugged and she sighed softly.

"I don't know, but we may happen to find some land if we sit here and float for a little while." I looked at her and smirked. She looked away as a small tear rolled down her cheek. "Hey, hey. What's wrong?" I scooted closer to her and wrapped my arms around her, embracing her in a tight hug.

She sniffed and laid her head against my chest. "I don't know... I really miss Sam. And..." she paused. "And what if we can't find the gold? What if we disappoint him because we couldn't do it and he was counting on us." I looked at her.

"What? That's crazy." Clearly she didn't know. Sully obviously didn't tell her. "Sam could never be disappointed in us. He'd be proud of us for trying." She looked at me and smiled.

"Yeah, you're right." She sounded sure, but her eyes went wide. "Oh shit!"

"What? What's wrong?" She started breathing heavily and chanting "shit."


"What?" Why did she mention Chloe? She's a bitch. She left us behind back there. "Chloe?"

"Yes! She was in the car with me. I don't know if she got out or if she went down with the car!"

The second those words were out of her mouth, we whipped around (as much as we could considering we were in an ocean) and saw Chloe. On top of the box that landed near us.

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