s i x t e e n

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"Oh my gosh, Sully!" I screamed, gasping as I went under. Chloe was tugging on the door on the ceiling. Nate and I swam underneath, trying to find anything on the ground that would help us.

The room began filling up, more and more. Chloe was still struggling, and soon Nate gave up all hope from the ground and went to help Chloe. I swam back up, just as the room was neck high. I shoved my face on the ceiling, getting as much air as I could into my lungs.

"Found it!" Sully yelled into the phone. It came through my ear piece, which was slowly becoming more and more crackled from the water.

"Hurry Sully!" Nate yelled, groaning.

"Shut up. I'm working on it!" He snapped back. 'Well work on it faster,' I thought.

As Nate was climbing, I got dunked underwater and swallowed a mouthful of water.  I wasn't able to spit it out, so I started freaking out. I tried to swim up, but there was no where I could. Nate and Chloe were busy fiddling with the door to notice.

My vision started going black, and soon I lost all consciousness.


"Shut up. I'm working on it" Sully snapped at me after I'd told him to hurry. I rolled my eyes and started pounding on the door on the ceiling. I scratched at it, pounded on it, pulled on it, but nothing seemed to work.

Sully was fighting someone, probably Braddock as we struggled. We heard a loud bang on the other side of the ear piece, and soon the door opened, right as the air space closed. I helped Chloe climb out and went back down for y/n. She was at the bottom, unmoving.

My heart sank. Shit! She'd swallowed water and I didn't even realize! I swam down and grabbed her arm, dragging her up to the top and pushed her out as Chloe grabbed her arms.

"Y/n!" I yelled as I climbed out of the hole. I pushed on her chest and blew into her mouth. She coughed, spitting out some water and sat up.

Oh, my god y/n!" I breathed and fell back onto my back and sighed. Her breathing was accelerated and she pushed her hair back over her head, out of her face and stared at me.


I shot up and coughed, spewing water out of my mouth. Nate sighed with relief and fell onto his back. "Oh, my god y/n!" He exclaimed.

I looked at him with shock in my eyes. He'd never been so protective of me. Other than when my mom died, obviously. He'd risked his life for me. "You saved me." I said in shock. He sat up and stared at me.

"Yeah. Of course I did. You're my best friend, I couldn't afford to lose you." He told me with a little bit of well duh in his voice. He'd acted like it was nothing, but I don't know why, something in me told me that it was definitely something.


We walked down a few halls, following the map until we came across a door. It was black and had kind of a gold outline on it. I grabbed one of the crossed and shoved it in, causing the door to unlock and open.

We walked in and I looked around. After a few seconds, I realized the room was filled with nothing, except barrels. Literally barrels. I was so confused, so I walked over to one and kicked a hole in it. When I pulled my foot out, it was followed by a trail of whooshing salt. I looked at Nate, and he looked just as confused as I was.

LOST: Nathan Drake x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now