t w e n t y - o n e

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The air rushed past my face in a quick whip as I screamed for help. I don't know who was gonna help me, but my brain said it was somehow helping.

On the inside of the plane, I watched as some more boxes crashed into the side walls and shot out of the back. I ducked in attempt to dodge the boxes as they flew out of the back.

I heard some yelling as the guards brought out someone I think I recognized... Chloe?

She started kicking and fighting. Soon she was jumping into the red convertible I assumed was Santiago Moncada's.


I wandered around the small room, when I heard loud bangs coming from another room. It sounded like the cargo. I looked around, making sure nobody was near, and ran to where the noise was coming from. Braddock was- Braddock?! Why the hell was she here?! I ducked behind a box and I heard screaming. I looked towards the back of the room, which was wide open. No. Shitting. Way.

Sully?! He was standing at the front with a parachute on his back. He spotted me and his eyes went wide. A tear rolled down my cheek as he flew out of the back of plane. I cupped my hand over my mouth, not wanting to scream and cause attention.

I heard some more yelling as someone fell to the ground near the boxes. I peeked around the corner and spotted a foot. It was stuck on the rope around the shipping box. I got a better look at who it was, and I saw Nate. Nathan freaking Drake. I stood up and tried to run to him, but the boxes shot out of the back, dragging Nate with them.

"Oh god!" He screamed as the boxes flew in the wind, getting farther away. I looked around, trying to find an extra parachute, but instead I saw Santiago's red convertible.

I looked around to make sure no one was watching, and I ran to the car, jumping into the front seat. I placed my hands on the steering wheel, getting ready to drive down after Nate. When suddenly...

I saw a hand clamp down on the top of the floor, pulling Nate up as he came face to face with the red convertible. My stomach dropped as the car started moving forward. Nate's eyes went wide as he realized what was happening.

"Oh, come on!" He screamed as I struggled to get the car to come to a stop. I heard the back door open and looked behind me. Chloe?!

"Chloe? What the shitting hell are you doing here?!" She breathed heavily. She must have been fighting while I was behind the boxes.

"Shh!" She clamped her hand over my mouth and shushed me. She still hasn't even made eye contact. "Go!" She yelled and pushed my leg down, which just so happened to be on the gas. I screamed as the car moved forward, hitting Nate. He rolled on top of the car as it fell out the front of the plane.

LOST: Nathan Drake x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now