t w e n t y - t h r e e

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"Chloe?" I shouted as I squinted into the sun trying to look Chloe in the eyes. When had she climbed out of the car, and how did she manage to get on top of the box so quickly?

"Oh, hey guys! Fancy seeing you here." She grumbled sarcastically. "Forgot something? Or shall I say, someone?" I rolled my eyes.

"Actually, it wasn't my fault you didn't get out of the car sooner. You could have-" Nate cut me off and grabbed my arms.

"Shut it! It doesn't matter you guys! What we need to focus on right now is finding land, and in that case, finding you father." He turned to me.

"Don't call him my dad. Sully is fine. He doesn't act like my dad so he shouldn't be considered my dad."

"Okay, whatever. Anyways. Chloe, we're sorry we left you." He looked at me and stifled a giggle. "But y/n is about to drown over here, so it would be appreciated if you helped us up."

Chloe rolled her eyes and offered me a hand that i gratefully took. Once I was up, I reached down to help Nate.

"Thanks." He grunted as I pulled his arms up, struggling. "So what now?"

"I don't know, I guess we just wait and see where this box thingy ends up." I shrugged and looked from Chloe to Nate, and then back to Nate. Chloe nodded and Nate okayed.

"I wonder where Sully is-" Chloe started, but I had to cut her off.

"It doesn't matter. That bastard left us, so he obviously doesn't care about us. So why should we? I'm sick and tired of hearing about my dad, so can we please not mention him? Thanks."

For a while we sat in silence as the box slowly floated towards land. I didn't even know if there was land in the direction it was going, but there was no way to find out. Plus, there was no way to steer or change the direction of the box.

I sighed and looked at Nate, who apparently had been looking at me, because he turned away quickly when I laid my eyes on him. What was he thinking about?

It was a little awkward after that, and by then I had started to dry off a bit, but I was still cold. Nate noticed me shivering, which I hadn't even noticed I was doing, until he scooted closer to me and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder. He stroked my arm, slowly moving up to my hair and running his fingers through it, giving me chills. I nuzzled my nose into his chest, smelling the soft scent of sea water and leather. Nate had always had a signature scent. I had always loved it.

Chloe grunted as she watched us get close for warmth. I was about to roll my eyes at her, when something caught my attention.

An island.

I'm so effing sorry this took so long, I actually have no excuse lol, I've just been lazy. I'm so very sorry, and I'll start writing another one right after this one so it get published sooner rather than later as most of my chapters have. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this chapters and remember to vote, love y'all!

LOST: Nathan Drake x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now