t h i r t y - t w o

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I gripped Nate's back as he flung to the ship's ground, and i hopped off his back. He ran to one side of the ship, leaving me to take the Scottsman by myself.

"Oh, shit." I said to myself as i flung my fist into his face with a grunt. I took my other hand, aiming for his chest when he grabbed it, and kicked me onto my back, leaving me breathless.

I struggled to get up as my breaths came in slow. I heard gunshots loudly beside my ear, making my head throb, hurting it more.

I got up and lunged at the Scottsman, making him fall over the edge of the ship with a yell.

I grunted and yelled as i was faced with another man trying to tackle me. My dad came running over and helped me with the other guy, and Nate came behind me with a sword, and i shoved mine into his, thinking it was another guy. I looked at him in confusion before i let out a laugh.

"Y/n, watch out!" We looked to the side and blocked each other with out combined swords as another guy came rushing at us with his. We looked behind us just as he hit our swords, making them fly out of our hands. I grabbed mine, handing Nate's over to him, as the same guy came rushing at me with a hammer.

I backed up, rolling over something, flipping in the air and landing on my feet. "Oh, shit!"

I looked up to see my dad standing there, and i grinned at him. "That one's a little more your size"

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, cute."

We all continued fighting Braddock's little minions for a while. I looked up and saw Nate getting cornered by a guy, who had broken his sword. Nate looked around, panicking when he saw my dad's backpack. He picked it up, preparing to throw it at the guy when my dad came up behind him and grabbed it.

"Whoa, whoa whoa. Not my gold!" He yelled, hitting the guy who was attacking Nate, throwing him overboard, while he still had his backpack in his hand.

I ran up the stairs to stand next to them.

"Hey, feeling better?" Nate asked looking at me. I had completely forgotten about it, that when he mentioned it, i had noticed that the sick feeling was completely gone.

"Oh, yeah. I guess it was just the height." I shrugged and he nodded. I turned to my dad. "Dad, you gotta go hijack that helicopter."

He looked at me completely dumbfounded. "Right to the point, huh? All right." He turned to Nate, handing him something. I was a little hurt that he handed it to him instead of me, his own daughter. This whole time with them i felt as if there was a secret they were keeping from me; some sort of pact they left me out of. I sighed and shrugged through it. My feelings didn't matter anymore. We had to get this over with.

"You know the drill kid. You don't have to touch it with your finger to use it." My dad climbed up the ropes as Nate put the earpiece in his ear. I watched my dad climb as Nate handed one to me.

"What? You didn't think he forgot about you, did you?" He smiled as i put it in my ear as well.

"I mean, yeah, i sort of did." I said, mostly to myself. He chucked and started talking.

"Hey, Sully." He waited till my dad looked back at him. "Don't crash."

"Yeah, just what i needed. Positive reinforcement, thanks." He climbed up a little more, before pausing and turning back down to us. He looked at me. "Hey, why don't you come with me?"

I looked at Nate, only to see him looking at me. Surely my dad couldn't be talking to me. There was no way. "Me?"

My dad laughed. "Yes, you. Come on!" He waved his hand, beckoning for me to climb up the ropes with him.

I hesitated, but followed him, climbing up the ropes to catch up with my dad.

We climbed the ropes, and my fingers were cramping from holding my weight. I could feel blisters forming on the palms of my hands.

I looked down when I heard the familiar voice of Nate as he was yelling.

"Hey! All hands on deck. Raise the anchor, hoist the mainsail!"

I laughed and shouted down. "Hey, Jack Sparrow! Stay sharp, okay? Keep your eyes on the prize. Don't forget what we're doing."

"Oh come on, y/n. I've been waiting to do this my entire life!"

I laughed as me and my dad continued climbing. When we reached the top, he got up and bent down to help me up.

He jumped and started climbing across the bars at the top of the copter. I stopped.

"Uh, yeah. I will not be doing that." I said.

"Y/n, you have to. It's okay, I'm right here. I won't let you fall. I promise. Just put your hands on there and climb across." He stood on the other side guiding me. "You've done the monkey bars at the playground a million times, you know how to do this."

I sighed and jumped into the first bar, slowly making my way across.

LOST: Nathan Drake x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now