t w e l v e

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"Wonder how long it'll take," Chloe said with a roll of her eyes. I rubbed off some dust from my fingers and turned around, making Nate run into Chloe. He blushed.

"I don't know, but if you keep commenting on how long it's going to take, I'm going make it take longer, and maybe backhand you in the process. Mkay?" I snapped. She rolled her eyes again and continued walking. I breathed, trying to control myself.

"Y/n, calm down. I know you're used to everything going your way, but just chill." Nate said as he put his hand on my arm. I froze and slowly turned around to face him.

"Excuse me? I know you're not telling me to calm down right now. She's being an absolute bitch, I'm trying to figure out this damn map because my stupid dumbass father didn't give me any instructions on what to do or where to go, and the aforementioned bitch is being impatient and bitchy. So do not tell me to calm down or I'm going to backhand you as well as her." He flinched and I whipped around, taking the lead. Chloe glared as she watched me go and I heard Nate stifle a laugh.


After a while of walking and turning corners, y/n finally looked at the map, and made one last turn into a small room looking thingy with a table or fireplace with a door on the front of some sort. It had some candles on it and two keyholes, as well as a chain rope blocking the keyholes and the door. She grabbed the backpack off her back and pulled out the crosses, handing one to me.

I reached into my pocket, remembering I had a bold cutter in there. I pulled it out and y/n looked at me exasperated.

"Why do you have a bolt cutter?" She asked. I looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

"Why wouldn't I?" I replied.

Once I cut the chains, I took off the chain and threw it to the side, and took the cross, kneeling down next to her in front of one of the keyholes. Chloe now had Sully on the phone, the camera facing us.

"Which way do we turn?" I asked frantically and looked at Chloe who had the phone in her hands.

"Uhm..." Sully hesitated and studied the page before looking back up at us. "Clockwise."

"Okay, one... two-" y/n started.

"Three!" We turned the crosses the same way as spikes flew out of all directions, one almost hitting Chloe as she brought her hands up to her face in attempt of protection.

"Jesus! Sully, You almost killed us!" She shrieked and y/n rolled her eyes.

"Oh, yeah, because listening to the idiot is such a good idea." Y/n mocked.

"You're the idiot who listened to me." Sully fought back on the phone. Y/n threw her hands up in the air in defense.

"Well why did you even make the guess in the first place?" She yelled to the phone that was now in her hands.

"It was a 50/50 chance, so I just made a guess!" He shouted.

"Are you kidding me?!" Y/n scoffed, standing up. "You 'made a guess?'" Sully scoffed and nodded. I reminded y/n to calm down, and she breathed and took a step back. "Okay, Nate. Let's try one more time, and turn it the right way this time." She glared at Sully as she handed Chloe the phone.

We turned it, ducking our heads in preparation this time, when a door opened to another hallway. We sighed, but as we walked in, we heard music.

Hi! I'm so sorry this took so long, I've been struggling with stuff and I needed a break. Hope you enjoy and make sure to vote!

LOST: Nathan Drake x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now