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Nate looked at me, eyes wide. I swallowed hard and looked to where Chloe ran off to. As she ran, looking back at us, I threw my backpack at Sully and ran after her. "Hey!" I screamed as I jumped into the fountain. I heard Nate running behind me. "You go that way!" I yelled at him and he turned right.

"Chloe!" I screamed as Sully came over, breathing heavily. I raised an eyebrow.

"What? I got a bad knee," he said and I rolled my eyes, turning back to Chloe as she ran faster. I slid down the side of the roof as she looked back at me. She ran forward into oncoming bike traffic (idk what else to call it) as Sully came around a corner and bumped into me. I struggled to get through the people as she got ahead.

"Chloe!" Nate yelled as he met up with me. As we ran through the fountain, Nate tripped and fell, soaking himself. He winced as I helped him up. She ran down a hill and Nate jumped, landing on his back. (Jees he's clumsy). I scoffed, helping him up again.

"Hurry!" We took off towards her as she climbed into the car. I ran in front of it as she started to drive away. "Chloe! Stop." I put my hands on the front of the car and she scowled.

"Move!" She yelled and pushed the gas pedal. I stumbled back, hand still on the front. "Get away!"

"Chloe, please listen." I said, looking and Nate in his soaking clothes. He nodded at me with a firm look. "We can't find the gold if we don't trust each other." She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

After a long minute of scoffing and eye rolling, she finally scoffed (one last time) and said "fine." I sighed and looked down. She got out of the car and handed me the cross. (The one we already had and the one she had.) "thanks." I said. She looked away.

"Whatever." She replied with a rude tone. Nate looked at me and I shook my head.

Sully walked over to a counter to ask for a map or something while we all followed. "Chloe, I want you to go get some change while we get this place figured out." Chloe walked to the counter as Nate watched her go. He looked at her in awe like she was some God, and, to tell you the absolute truth, I felt a little jealous.

"It looks like... a tree?" Nate said questioningly, turning his head sideways to get a better view. I shook my head and pulled the book towards me to look.

"No... I don't think it's a tree. Why would someone put gold underneath a tree?" I asked giving Nate a dumb look.

"Okay, if it's not a tree, then what is it?" He asked. I bit my lip and looked up at him.

"I think it's a church." He looked at me with a questionable face.

"A church? What church? There's millions of churches in Barcelona." He folded his arms.

I forgot that Sully was in there until that moment. He looked up at me and said, "Santa Maria del pi."

LOST: Nathan Drake x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now