t w e n t y - e i g h t

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The boat flew across the cyan water as Nate steered. We drove across the side of the island. I smiled as we reached a small entrance into the side of the island.

"Is this it?" I asked and looked up at Nate.

"I think so." He looked down at the map he held in his right hand. "Yes. We're here." My heart skipped a beat. We were finally going to finish this. This, that Sam left for. This, that Sam always wanted to. And this, that Nate's parents had died for. I can't believe we finally made it.

Nate smiled as the boat floated through the wide cave entrance. The boat came to a stop, as Nate looked at me, grabbed my hand, and smiled.

I kissed him, and then something glistened in the corner of my eye. I looked towards it, and underneath the water near the cave wall, was an aquamarine glow.

"What's that?" Nate looked over to where my finger was pointing. "It looks like a light."

He squinted. "I don't know." My stomach flipped as he started lifting his feet over the edge.

"Nate-" he looked back at me. "Just... be careful."

He nodded and jumped down into the water. I saw a splash, and his figure slowly fading away.

I waited there for five minutes, until his head popped up out of the water, and i let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding.

"Oh, my gosh, dude! You scared the living hell out of me!" By then my heart was racing.

He chuckled. "Sorry. But you might wanna come down with me." I sighed and he held out his hand for me to take, and I jumped down with him. My head went under and he pulled me up, holding me there for a minute.

I smiled as he wiped drops of water off my cheeks, and we went down. He held my hand as he swam through the water. I kicked my feet in attempt to help, not very successful.

The water was a gorgeous turquoise color, a little foggy.

We swam through an opening in two rocks, when I started to lose my breath. My grip got tighter on Nate's hand, causing him to swim faster. He looked up, swimming where his hazy followed. At this point my feet were kicking violently, trying to get us up to air. He forced me in front of him when he saw the surface of water above us.

I swam up, catching my breath immediately. I coughed a few times and ran my fingers through my wet hair as Nate floated up next to me.

"You okay?" He asked, worry in his eyes.

"Never better," I said, my voice hoarse as I let out a small cough.

Nate stood up, grabbing my hand to help me up. I took it graciously and stood up next to him, his hand still latched onto mine.

We mounted the rock in front of us, and he took a step forward. I followed his gaze, and saw something I never expected to find.

The ship.

"Holy shit, Nate!" I gasped, smiling at him, excitement pouring out of me. He didn't say anything. His eyes were glued onto that boat, a small grin creeping onto his face.

I noticed his breathing started to accelerate, his chest rising and falling quicker than his norm. He looked at me and squeezed my hand, almost asking for approval. I nodded and giggled slightly as he jumped in the water, swimming towards the ship.


Holy fucking shit. There's no way I actually found it. I climbed out of the water onto the rocks the boat was resting on, my breath catching as I looked around at everything. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. My heart raced as I walked towards it.

Lost. Not gone. There's a difference. Sam's voice rung in my head, recalling a past memory. I had always thought he was crazy for thinking the ship was still out there, filled to the brim with gold. If something's lost, it can be found.

"We did it, Sam." I muttered to myself as my fingers clasped around my necklace. I smiled as I thought about what he would do if he were here. With me.

I looked back over towards y/n. She had sat down and was watching me. She wore a smile, a gorgeous one.

"You good?" She yelled, squinting against the sunlight shining through an opening in the ceiling.

"Never better!" I yelled back, grinning. "I'll come get you!"


I held my hand out to her from the top of the boat and helped her up into it. I stood up, and took in my surroundings. It was everything Sam had told me about, and more. It was beautiful.

I hopped down the latter after y/n grabbing her hand as we looked around the bilge. Mostly cobwebs, broken wood, and dust, but I didn't see any gold, or anywhere gold might be hiding. Y/n went left while I went right, rounding a corner into a different part of the bilge. I coughed, walking around as I took in my surroundings once more.

I looked down on the top of a barrel, as pile of some sort of plant lied there. I took my hand and grabbed a handful, bringing it to my nose.

"Cloves," I chuckled, dropped them.

"You know back then, spices were worth nearly as much as gold." I jumped, whipping around, to see none other, than Sully.

I huffed, rolling my eyes at the sight of this man. "Why am i not surprised?"

He held up his phone with a smug grin on his face. "I keep too many apps open, remember? I knew you'd figure it out."

"Figure what out?" At this point, y/n had settled by my side, taking my hand in hers.

"Dad, what the fuck are you doing here?" She snapped at him, a look of pure anger -no, hatred- on her face as she looked at her father.

"Hey, sweetie." He looked at her, a soft smile spreading across his face. He started to come towards her, when she slapped a hand across his face.

"Do not come any closer to me, Sully." He winced slightly at the sound of her using his real name."

"First off, ouch. Second off, I'm sorry. Okay? Is that what you wanted to hear? That I royally fucked up, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry I left you guys. I'm sorry I didn't help you as much as I could have. I'm sorry I was such a shitty father. What else do you want me to say?"

"I don't want you to say anything, dad. I want you to show it. Show how sorry you are. Because at the end of the day, words mean nothing." She cocked her hip and a small tear rolled down Sully's cheek.

"Okay. What did you know I'd figure out?" At this point, I just wanted to know what Sully was talking about in his previous statement.

"The puzzle to Sam's postcards." He said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "So what is it?"

I glared at him in disbelief. "Does it matter? I already found the gold."

Sully shook his head. "I don't see any gold," he said, throwing his arms out as he gestured to the empty room.

"Oh it's here. It's a false top." I bent down and grabbed onto the lid to one of the barrels, yanking it off. And there, underneath the pile of cloves, was the gold.

Okay, so I'm very sorry this chapter is so long, also sorry for the long wait. I've been busy, you know, waiting for the new season of outer banks to come out. IM SO EFFING EXCITED BRO!!

Also tell me if y'all want me to write an obx fanfic. If I do it'll be a rafe one. Maybe I'll do a JB one too.

Anyways, thank y'all for reading my story this far, and for bearing with me through all the writers block I've gotten, but make sure to vote, and maybe slip in a follow in that mix

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