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When I walked out, dad- I mean Sully, had some bruises and cuts on his face and neck. As he rubbed his jawline, he glanced down at our hands and froze. "Where's the case?!" He half screamed. I looked at Nate and he looked at me. Shit, how did we forget to grab it? Sully sighed angrily and walked back, only to be stopped by guards carrying the case into the auction room. "Shit!" He turned to us, exasperated.

"I guess we'll just have to... auction for it?" I said. Sully sighed and looked away.

"Okay, Nate, you try and fight the guards off while I start auctioning. We need to get this cross. Now go. Y/n, you-"

"I will do whatever the hell I want without you trying to take control of me." I said, walking away scowling. He looked frustrated, but I didn't care. Did he know how many times he had hurt me? I'm not even gonna guess.


As I watched y/n walk away angrily, I remembered why she hated me and sighed. I was sick and tired of the shit she had in her head about me and money. I wanted to be closer to her. To be able to comfort her. This got me thinking of Sam. They were so close. He and Nate comforted her when... Mary, passed. It was so hard on her, losing her mom.


I walked over to the guy who was instructing what to do with the case. He pointed over to the front of the room where everyone was auctioning and the guards followed his instructions. Before they wheeled it up, I stood in front of it and inspected it. It was a really cool thing, I just didn't understand how it was going to help us fine millions of dollars worth of gold.

"Hello," the guy said and I jumped. "What a beaut, isn't it?" He asked. I stood up and fixed my tie.

"Y-yeah," I stuttered. He looked around and then back at me and leaned closer.

"Don't try anything with it, or you'll be sorry." He whispered and then walked off. Sully was muttering into the radio as the auction was going on.

"Hurry up, kid," he warned. I put my hand on my ear as I looked at him in the other room.

"I'm pretty sure this guy just threatened to kill me," I said, smiling lightly. He looked up front and raised his sign, smiling.

"You're making me spend money we don't have. And don't touch your ear like that, you look like an idiot." I took my hand down and popped at my gum, sliding it into the closing elevator door.

"Don't make me do this," Sully said quietly into the microphone.

I heard the auctioneer calling out prices. "2 million. Going once, going twice. We got two million." He said when Sully put his sign up and smiled.

LOST: Nathan Drake x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now