author's note

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Hi guys! I know I usually do this at the end of some of the chapters, but I have a little more to say lol.

So first of all, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 16 THOUSAND READS, AND LIKE 500 VOTES!!! This means SO MUCH to me guys. Thank you!!

And second of all, I have so many plans for this story, (like a sequel that i make up on my own, and maybe possibly a prequel?) and i'm not doing the whole story on the movie. There's going to be some parts that I make up.

And we're almost done with the story!! Just a few more chapters!

Thank you guys again, so much for all the love and support you guys have given me. It means so much. I honestly did not think it would get this much love. But I guess I underestimated you guys!

Okay okay. I'll get back to the story and stop interrupting you. Sorry!! Love y'all!!

LOST: Nathan Drake x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now