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"Sam!" I ran over to him, grabbing his bag. Tears were flooding down my cheeks. I knew what was about to happen. I didn't want him to leave. "Please... don't leave." I whispered, resting my forehead on his. He rubbed the back of my neck as he planted a kiss on my head. I could feel Nate's warm body pushing against me as we all hugged.

"It'll be okay. Stay here with Sister Bernadette. She'll protect you. I just... I really think I can get that map. I'll be back for you. I promise." He reached into his pocket for something as Nate grabbed my hand. Sam pulled out a long necklace with a ring on the end and handed it to Nate. The second thing he pulled out -for me- was a small bracelet with "ciò che è perso può essere trovato" engraved in the metal frame. I smiled. My mother used to always say this. What's lost can always be found. He pulled us back into a tight hug, and then jumped. Nate and I rushed to the window and watched him fall into the darkness.

"Sam!" Nate yelled. Everything sounded muffled and my vision started to grow blurry as my eyes slowly filled with tears. "Sam!"

I fell to my knees and Nate fell beside me, wrapping his arms around me. I fell into his chest and we sat there crying.


As I shook the bottle, flinging around my shoulder and started pouring the mixture into the glass cup. I looked up and saw probably the prettiest girl I've ever seen. She walked in and sat down.

"Negroni please," she asked, I went to the back and grabbed a glass, and the other mixtures. When I got back I attempted to show off, I had the power to, I mean, I was pretty great at my job. I flung the bottle around my head and up into the air. When it dropped back into my hand, i lifted it up and poured it into the glass. She did not look impressed. I sighed and handed her the cup, smiling.

"You're kind of weird." She said, taking a sip. "But you're also kind of cute." I laughed softly, flopping the towel in my hands I was using to wipe the tables on my shoulder.

"I'm kind of offended, but I'm also kind of flattered. She smiled and rolled her eyes, leaving me a tip and walking out. I frowned. Rude. When I walked back in, I started wiping tables, moving over to the one on the right closest to the door, and I saw him.

LOST: Nathan Drake x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now