n i n e

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Nate looked over at me with confusion and back to Sully with anger. What was he doing? "What the fuck does he think he's doing?" I asked. Nate shook his head.

"I don't know, but let's go!" We ran out the front doors to try and make it there before him. When we got to the car we were taking, he was still walking out the door. We slid into the car and slammed the doors. When he got in and buckled, I sat there, arms folded, glaring at him. He looked at me and flinched.

"You we're just gonna leave us there? Seriously dad?" He looked at me and frowned.

"Well someone's gotta survive to get the gold." I rolled my eyes not bothering to say anything. Here I was, thinking he'd changed.

"So where exactly are we going?" Nate asked me. But of course, Sully answered.

"Well we need to make it to-" i cut him off and gave him a look. You know, the shut-up-or-I'm-going-to-kick-your-ass look.

"The other cross we need is with one of his friends in Barcelona." I looked at him completely calm. His eyes widened.

"Like Barcelona, Spain?" He asked, all dramatic. I nodded my head slowly. "Wow." I looked away, not wanting to snap since I was already in a bad mood, thanks to this dickhead next to me.

"For the record, she is not my friend. She's an absolute asshole who is tricky and you need to be careful." Sully said in a serious tone. I rolled my eyes and laughed. He looked at me and frowned.

When we got home, we were instructed to change quickly, and make it outside as fast as we could. I ran upstairs and grabbed a pair of white shorts, and a light green crop top, the first thing that would be appropriate for Spain in the summer, pulling my hair into a messy bun and ran to my closet to change.


I looked around and took in the beautiful view of Barcelona. Who knew my dad was capable of traveling somewhere so amazing? Again, not me.

My thoughts were cut off by someone walking up to us. Her skin was dark and her hair was a beautiful brown color. She looked and Sully and frowned. "So, what brings you here?" She asked, squinting her eyes from the bright sun. Nate spun around and was awed. He looked at her like she was God. Not gonna lie, I felt jealous.

"We're here to ask one of Sully's friends a question about... something." I said, not wanting to tell her what. She looked me up and down and frowned. Uh, rude.

"What? Sully doesn't have any friends. I should know. I'm one of them." I looked at Sully and he looked down. I rolled my eyes, turning back to her. "What do you guys need?"

"We just need the cross, Chloe. That's all we need." Sully said as he walked closer to her. She looked at him in disgust as she put her hand on my bag, slowly walking away.

"Sorry, not gonna happen. You've got the wrong person. Have a good trip, guy!" She said. Sully sighed and Nate looked disappointed. Sully looked at me with sudden worry in his eyes.

"Check your bag." He said. I looked at him like he was crazy. "Hurry check your bag right now!" He said and I pulled it off my back. When I looked in it, the cross was gone.

Hey guys!! I hope you're liking it so far, and sorry I'm doing this a bunch at the end of my chapters, but I want to recommend some books for you. Really just an author, she's my bestie and would really appreciate it someone read her book. reapetersen092

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