t w e n t y - s i x

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I sat on the bed in my white robe, sighing as I looked through the post cards Sam left over the years when Nate walked in.

"Hey there. What're you doing?" He asked. I looked up and noticed he was shirtless. His chest looked so firm, I hadn't noticed he was so fit.

"Hey." I looked back at the card in my hand. "Are you sure these dimensions are the same as the actual map?"

He sat down next to me and took the card from me. "To the exact millimeter. Why?"

"Braddock isn't gonna find the gold. Well, not where she's looking, anyway."

"You mean we still have a chance?" There was a hint of hope gleaming in his gorgeous brown eyes.

"The captain left one final clue and my dad seems to think it's Sam who knew what that clue was, and he might've tried to tell me what it was." I looked back at the cards and flipped through them. "These post cards are the only thing we got from Sam in the last ten years. So, if he did try to tell us something, it has to be in these cards." Nate picked up one of the cards and studied it.

"Is it something in the images?" He looked at me. "Or, something in the writing, like an anagram or a cipher."

"Maybe. I remember you guys used to do that all the time as kids. I thought it was dumb." I laughed softly. "Well let start with the images. There was one card where he spelled everything wrong."

We sorted and looked in the cards, searching for anything, in hopes there would be something that would help us. Nate was determined. His jawline tensed as my eyes dozed off. I stood up and sighed.

"Ima go to sleep." He looked up at me and nodded, and soon, I was out.


"Come on Sam, what're you trying to tell me." I paced around the room with a card in my hand that read:

There's a whole
world you haven't
seen, but you will.

I read it out a few times, italicizing a different word each time, in hopes that it'll make sense. Then it hit me.

"Haven't seen." My heart raced as i whipped out my lighter and placed it underneath the card, flicking it on. Sparks flew, but no flame. "Come on, come on, come on." I grabbed a candle a held it under the card. "Promise, Sam."

As the card began to burn, a small smile spread across my face.

The keys are
your compass.

"The keys are your compass. The keys are your compass. The keys are your-" I looked over at the couch where my coat lay, and back to the bed where Chloe was. I quietly walked over to my bag and picked up the cross. "Okay... some compass my ass." I examined the cross, looking at each gem imbedded into the gold. I grunted as I pulled one of the arms out, revealing a small needle.

"Holy shit."

I know this chapter is pretty, short, but just be glad I updated lol. Speaking of, I'm so sorry it took my like 72 years to update this and I really have to excuse lol. Love you guys and I will try my absolute hardest to update another chapter this week. Just for you😘

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