t h i r t y - t h r e e

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Once we were across, my dad jumped into the cockpit, instructing me to stay behind him till he tells me to do else so.

"Hey guys." He says, easily taking out both of the captains and tossing them out the windows into the ocean below. "Okay, come on."

I come beside him and sit in the seat next to him. I don't know how to explain it, but i felt as if this was healing my inner child. After my mom died, there was nothing i wanted more but a good relationship with my dad. We never did any bonding activities. He always just shut me out, completely forgetting about me. I loved being with him, even if it meant we were possible about to die.

He controlled the helicopter, turning it around. "Alright Victor, you got this. Come on." He spoke to himself. I almost felt sorry for him, seeing how much pressure he was putting on himself. "Easy."

He turned the helicopter around, leading it away from the path it was going on before. He leaned out the window looking back at the ship Braddock was on. "Hey, Jo." He held up his middle finger out the window, flipping her off with a proud smile on his face.

I looked back, smiling and laughing at the look of pure anger on her face as she watched us go through wrong way. I saw her mouth something to the captains, and the ship started coming our way.

I listened as i heard Nate speak into the earpiece. "Hey, Sully. I think your girlfriend wants her boat back."

I stifled my laughter at Nate's comment, and my dad looked over at me, a look of annoyance written on his face.

"Yeah, I'm aware." He replied.

I watched out the window as i saw what looked like hooks shoot into the side of the boat Nate was on.

"Uh, dad." I saw Braddock's men come swinging across the rope they had just attached to the boat, hopping onto it. I was gonna try and get my dad's attention again, when I noticed Nate had already started fighting them. He'd got it.

"Alright, let's see what this shit-can can do." My dad said, messing with the controls on the helicopter. It turned left, swinging the ship into a part of the mountain, breaking off half the ship. "Hang on kids, ima get us out of here." He spoke to me and Nate reassuringly.

I looked out the window to see pieces of the boat falling off from the impact it had made against the mountain and the boat next to it.

"Look at that. There we go!" My dad turned to me as we both smiled, looking at the sight of where the ships were supposed to be. He made a sharp turn through two pieces of the mountain, sending the ship scraping across it, breaking it even more. "I think that did it, i still got it!"

"Shit, dad!" I screamed as he pulled back the lever on the control center, watching as the boat barely made it over Braddock's helicopter propellers.

I let out a breath as the boat came crashing into the water. My dad grunted as he pulled the lever back, making it go back into the air.

I leaned over out the window to check on Nate. "Hey, you still with us?"

Nate grunted as he assured that he was hanging on. Literally.

I turned my head back into the ship, talking to Nate. "Okay, well you gotta do something. Theyre coming right at us."

"I think i have an idea!" Nate yelled back at me. I heard some sounds, as he started working on whatever his "idea" was.

Sully leaned out the window. "What's going on?"

"Sully, will you please just shut up? I'm working on it!" Nate yelled back angrily.

"That's your idea?"

I looked down at Nate, seeing he had set up a makeshift cannon. He whipped out his lighter and my eyes went wide.

"Oh Nate! You idiot! Your lighter doesn't work!"

"No, ugh! Come on!" Nate kept working with his lighter, trying to get it to light, until it finally did, and he lit the end of the cannon on fire, sending it shooting into the helicopter that was coming right at us. I saw as it went flying into the rocks, breaking.

"Great shot!" I yelled, smiling at Nate.

"You did it kid, you did it." My dad said.

Nate was celebrating with me and my dad, before turning around at a voice we all knew too well.

"If i lose, so do you." Braddock had the lever in her hands, and pulled it.

"Hey Sully, this ain't over." Nate said.

Braddock pulled a lever, sending an anchor flying down into the water, yanking the ship back and to a stop.

LOST: Nathan Drake x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now