e l e v e n

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"This place smells like old people," I said, wrinkling my nose. Sully glared at me and i scowled. "What do we need to do?" I turned back to him.

"We need to find a keyhole... look around!" He yelled. I wandered around on the right side with Nate in silence. I fingered through some candles on a table when Nate called my name. I ran over to him and froze.

He looked at me and I pulled out cards from my backpack. Post cards. Post cards from Sam. We matched them to the ones on the shelf. "Sully!" He yelled. I shushed him as Sully looked our way. "Uhm..." Nate looked at me. "Never mind." Sully looked away and continued looking.

"Guys!" Chloe yelled. Nate put the post cards back and grabbed my hand, pulling towards the center of the room. "Look." I looked down at the floor and there was a trap door with a cross engraved in it. "Move the benches!" She yelled.

We grabbed the benches and moved them away from the middle, revealing the whole door. I looked at Nate and he gulped. I grabbed his hand as Chloe opened the door. We all stared down a dark hole with a ladder all the way down.

"You guys go down and I'll stay up here and watch out." Sully said, shooing us down the hole. He pulled out his phone and handed it to Nate. "Here, put your phone number in so I can track you guys." Nate did as he was told, but started swiping at the apps.

"Holy crap, why do you have so many apps open? Tinder?" He looked at Sully and smiled.

"What? It works." Sully shrugged and Nate rolled his eyes, handing him back his phone.

Nate got in first, then Chloe, and then me. When it was my turn, Sully helped me down the hole, and kissed my forehead. I don't know if I was imagining, or if the old people smell of the church got to me, but I could've sworn I saw him mouth the words I love you.

"Which way do we go?" I asked, coughing and shooing the dust away. Chloe looked around as I went right.

"We should go this way. There's an arrow." Nate said staring down the left side. I looked at him but kept walking and told him to come on. "But... the arrow... I'm going this way." He walked down the way, and barely got 2 feet down the hall when arrows shot up on the side walls. "Yeah never mind let's go your way." He caught up to me, out of breath as I fingered the carvings on the wall.

By the way,  y/n didn't live with Nate and Sam. She met them when she was like 6 and grew up with them (but she didn't live with them she was just friends with them and spent everyday with them). She still lived with her dad. Her dad started being an asshole when her mom died at the age of about 12 and then her dad started shutting her out. Just to clear up any confusions!

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