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We danced for a few minutes, not wanting it to end. He looked at me and smiled, and I looked at him and smiled. But as I stated before, nothing lasted forever. You're probably wondering why. And I'll tell you.

The Scotsmen spotted us. That's why.

He looked at us, his glaring eyes locking onto mine. My smile faded and Nate turned around and gasped. He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the bar, where Chloe was (somehow sober) trying to figure out some puzzle on the back wall.

"What's this?" I asked. Nate was handling the front bar, trying to blend in. Again.

"Do you think it's another puzzle?" Chloe asked.

"I don't know, but whatever it is you better figure it out fast!" Nate whisper yelled to us. "I'm trying to buy us some time." He grabbed a bottle of tequila and shook it up. He walked over to the front counter as a girl with frizzy hair and dark skin slid onto the stool. "Hi, can I get you a drink?" Nate asked, showing off his "amazing" bartender skills.

She replied something that i didn't hear, but didn't care to hear. He continued shaking up the bottle as the Scott came nearer to us, glaring.

"This definitely isn't machine sonic but it is on the house." He gave her a charming smile as she thanked him. He gave her her drink she requested, but was pushed away by the Scott. She gasped and backed away. The Scott walked to the counter and glared at Nate. "Okay, whoa whoa whoa. Lemme guess. Piña colada?"

He grunted and climbed over the counter and Nate shattered the glass bottle onto his head. I ducked as glass shards came flying at me. Nate grabbed metal bottles and began smacking people who came near. I pulled a sticker note me and Chloe had been taking notes on off the puzzle and Chloe grumbled.Me and Chloe continued to de-puzzle the puzzle as Nate bought us more time.

Chloe grabbed something and started jabbing it into the key slot shaped like an eye on the wall. The Scott (we're gonna call him Ian) grumbled something as he held Nate in a neck lock. I didn't understand one word he said through his thick accent, but I heard "comedian".

"Okay okay okay. I got it. Sex on the beach." Nate smiled as if he just had the most brilliant idea of all. Me and Chloe had almost got it when Ian grabbed a gun, but was stopped by Nate kicking up a bottle and whacking him in the head, sending him to the floor with a loud bang. I shoved the cross into the key slot (me and Chloe finally figured the puzzle out!) Nate started drinking some alcohol that was spilling out of the bottle as me and Chloe climbed into the door that was opened.

"Nate, this is not a time for shots, let's go!" I screamed frantically. He spit the drink into the tiki torch on the counter, sending flames into the face of one of the guards that was back up, knocking him out for good. Nate jumped off the counter into the door, right as it closed shut.

I'm so sorry this keeps happening. I told y'all I'd update every day but I haven't even been doing it every other day. I'm so sorry!!! I'll try to be better about this. I hope you guys like this chapter, and pls vote! Love y'all.

Omg ok fr tho, nearly 8 freaking thousand reads and almost 300 votes!! Thank you all so much for all this love and support and you mean so much to me. Each and every one of you. I love you all so much and again, thank you!!

LOST: Nathan Drake x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now