n i n e t e e n

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After a while, me and Chloe were boarding a plane or a big helicopter. I was exhausted and starving. She dragged me onto the plane and sat me down in a seat, tying the ropes to the arm. My stomach grumbled, and my head was pounding. I stared up at Chloe just as my eyes started to go fuzzy. She stared back down at me. I felt a small pinch in my arm, and the next second, my vision was gone.


Y/n stared up at me as I shoved the needle into her arm, and her eyes squinted closed. My heart pounded. Part of me felt bad, but I was relieved to get this bitch out of my way.

I dusted off my hands and walked into the cockpit where Santiago Moncada was sitting. He looked up at me and I flopped into a chair next to him.

"Got the map," I handed him the map and he grunted.

"Great. Now go away girl." I glared at him. Who did he think he was calling girl? I rolled my eyes and walked out, brushing shoulders with Braddock. I froze and she turned around to look at me, a devilish grin across her face.

"What are you doing here?" I spoke harshly, jabbing a finger in her direction.

She shrugged and pushed my finger down. "What do you think? Same thing you're doing." My heart stopped. How did she know what I was doing, and what does she mean by that?

"What? No, you don't even know what i'm doing." I simple stated and she laughed with a small roll of her eyes.

"Please. You're getting the map from douche bag one and douche bag two and giving it to Santiago. I was trying to do the same, when douche bag one knocked me out, dumbass." She whipped around and walked away. I followed her in, where Santiago was sitting in a chair looking at the map.

"What does she mean she's doing the same thing?" I demanded at him. He turned around on his chair and smiled slightly.

"Ah, Braddock." His accent was thick just then as he stood up and walked over to her, placing a kiss on either side of her face. I stood, watching in bewilderment. "Chloe, you don't think I can only have one side chick, do you?" I cocked my eyebrow. Side chick? Ha, no. "Now, both of you go and let me work." He shooed us out and I strolled out, followed by Braddock.


Santiago Moncada turned around in his chair as Chloe and Braddock walked off. After a few minutes, Santiago noticed it was a bit quiet. He shrugged it off, mistakenly.

Someone came up behind him, wearing completely black, slitting his throat, sending him crashing to the floor as blood poured out of his open neck wound.

I'm so sorry this took forever to post! And I know I always say that but I really am lol. I haven't had my phone with me and I haven't been able to post or update any of my stories. I'm sorry! Love y'all!

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