t w e n t y

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My eyes fluttered open. I squinted against the bright glare of the lights on the ceiling. I couldn't see Chloe or anyone in sight and my heart pounded against my chest.

I grunted and struggled against the ropes around my body, rubbing my wrists against the pole on the chair trying to break the strands. Finally, they started to tear. The ropes fell loosely around my ankles as I jumped up out of my seat. I was jolted onto the ground from a sudden movement, shaking the room. We must be in a plane.

I wandered around trying to find an escape, when I spotted a door behind a pile of boxes. Jees, Chloe really didn't want me to get out.

I yanked the door open and ran out, stopping in the pilots cab. I was expecting Chloe to be there, but the only thing that was there, was Santiago Moncada and his bloody, lifeless body. I gasped and fell backwards into the wall, causing a loud bang. I covered my mouth with my hand and ducked down, expecting Chloe to come running in. God, I miss Nate.


I needed to find y/n. If it was the last thing I did, I had to find her and make sure she was okay. I've already lost Sam, I can't lose her too. I love her. She's my best friend.

I walked into the cargo room in the plane, waiting for Braddock to make her entrance. When she showed, someone was behind her-other than all the guards-, who she was talking to, but I couldn't quite make out who it was.

I crept out from behind the boxes and grabbed onto the handle of one of the boxes Santiago Moncada was shipping.

"Hey!" I yelled, causing Braddock to whip around, a look of shock clear on her face. She glanced down at my hand as the guards behind her loaded their guns. She held up a hand to signal to them to hold fire.

Someone jumped out from behind the boxes behind me and I turned around, spotting... Sully?! What the hell was he doing here?

"Hey, c'mon!" He yelled. Braddock signaled her guards forward as Sully put off his parachute, sending him out of the open plane.

My fingers snapped off of the handle as the guards charged towards me. The boxes flew out of the back attached to a string.

One of the guards crept next to me beside one of the boxes. The box hit him and he flew out of the plane with a scream. I fell to my knees, struggling to not fly out along with Sully and everyone else. I stood up and ran towards the back as Braddock fired at me. I jumped over the boxes onto the other side.

I flipped over and under the boxes as the cargo slowly emptied. As one of them started to come out, I tripped and caught my foot on the rope around it.

"Shit! Help!" My voice was clear with fear. The box caught hold of the wind, causing me to go flying out the plane. "Oh god!"

LOST: Nathan Drake x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now