t h r e e

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"Hey kid, little young for a bartender, aren't you?" He asked, smirking. I scowled and walked over to him, flipping the towel onto my shoulder.

"Little old for prom, aren't you?" I asked, smiling slightly. "I 'm sorry, we're closed." I walked back to the counter to continue wiping, in hopes he would leave, but he just sat there, unmoving. I turned around, growing impatient. "We're closed!" I said, a little louder. He raised an eyebrow, and stood up.

"What do you want?" I asked when he got closer. He put a hand on my shoulder.

"I want you to call me. I've got something I think you might like." He handed me a business card, looking serious. I laughed and walked the other way, continuing to wipe the tables.

"No thanks, I've got a job, and I don't need another one." As I moved from table to table, he continued jabbering on why I should work with him, what great things i would get. I shook my head and interrupted. "I think you should leave." I looked at him, and he stopped. He looked a little offended, but I didn't care. He was annoying me.

"Your choice," he tapped my shoulder and left. Wow, that was easy. I went back to work, scrubbing the tables. After a while I started to think about that guy. He was weird. I went to the back closet to take off my vest, ready to go home, when I felt something in my pocket. I reached into it, pulling out a card. I laughed, getting ready to throw it away, but something caught my eye. This wasn't a business, he wanted me to help him find... Magellan's ships?

I thought about Sam.

That's why he left. Just as that thought came to mine, something occurred to me.

He left to find those ships. He would want me to find those ships. I could find Sam! Plus, the gold isn't so bad either.


I knocked on the door, hoping he was still up to letting me join him for his little exploration adventure. When the door opened, his face lit up. He smelled of alcohol and had a stained white tank top on. He let me in, smiling. I looked around.

"I made you a drink," he gestured to the table, where there was a glass with pink liquid in it, with what looked like... bubblegum in it? I shook my head.

"Of course you d-" I started, but got cut off by yelling.

"Dad! You told me you wouldn't hire another nanny! I'm almost 19-"

Oh. My. Gosh.

I looked up, and watched the most beautiful girl walk down the stairs. She looked at me, and stopped talking. She knew who I was, and I knew who she was.


LOST: Nathan Drake x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now