t h i r t y

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I jumped back into Nate's chest, causing him to grab my shoulders. I looked up at him, and he looked at me. Sully started moving towards the sound, following by me and Nate.

Sully went to one of the small doors on the side of the boat's wall, glancing outside. He moved aside so me and Nate could look as well.

We looked out to where me and Nate came from, seeing a bright light. An explosion. Someone was blowing themselves in.

There was a small boat coming in, loaded with people, mostly dressed in black. I didn't recognize any of them, but one.


She looked around, amused. Once she saw the ship, her face erupted in a mischievous grin. She couldn't see us through the small opening we were looking out of, but I'm sure she knew we were here.

Sully gasped and closed the door, walking towards me and Nate, who were standing hand in hand. "Braddock. We better get small. Or, in your case, smaller."

"Hey!" Nate caught him by his wrist, turning him around. For a second, I braced myself for Nate to hit Sully, but was surprised by what he said. "You're only like one inch taller than me, max."

I laughed at his response, relieved there was no hitting.

"I think it's a little more than that." Sully responded, looking at him. I rolled my eyes, smiling.

Nate rolled his eyes as well. "Come with me. I know where to go." He sounded out of breath, even though we hadn't been running. That's the funny thing about Nate. He gets so worked up when under pressure that his breath gets short.


Braddock jumped out of her boat onto the sand, an evil grin spread across her cheeks. She walked slowly towards the ships, her crew behind her with guns pointing in all directions.

"Magellan ships." She sighed, almost enjoying the sound of the name come out of her mouth. "Oh, they're more beautiful than I could have ever imagined." She stopped in her tracks and looked back towards her men. "Find the gold. If you see Sully, do not let him open that mouth of his. Kill him and Drake on sight. Same goes for that little bitch."

Her men saluted her, walking away with a grin, destined to find Sully.

"Be careful gentlemen. These ships are worth a fortune on their own." Braddock grumbled, cracking her knuckles. "You put a hole in my boats I put a hole in you."


Nate began kicking at a long wooden bin, which looked almost like a coffin. He grunted as Sully and y/n looked around for somewhere to hide.

Nate finally popped open the wooden bin, looking at Sully and y/n.

"Oh hell no. I'm not going in there." She growled, looking at the bin in disgust.

Nate rolled his eyes. "Look, you could stay up here and get shot in the head, or you can come down here for a quick cuddle. Up to you." Nate started climbing into the bin, Sully followed close behind.

Y/n's cheeks flushed bright red when Nate mentioned cuddling. She sighed and climbed down into the bin, squished up in the middle of the two boys.

Sully pulled the lid closed, and put a finger up to his lips. Outside the box they could hear heavy footsteps. The sound of one of Braddock's men, with a gun pointing all directions.

Y/n's heart dropped when she heard the sound of gold clanking around. Shit. They'd found it. She looked over at Nate. His eyes were squeezed shut, yet he didn't look worried in the slightest. He had a plan.

Y/n looked worriedly over at her dad when she heard footsteps above them. Like, right above them. Dust flitted from the top onto their heads, and y/n's stomach flipped.

"You see anything?" A voice sounded. Nate and y/n looked at each other. They could recognize that voice from anywhere. The Scotsman.

"All clear, sir." Another voice sounded. Y/n let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding.

They couldn't get out, not yet.

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