t w e n t y - s e v e n

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I whipped around, seeing y/n standing there behind me with a smirk. She walked over and sat next to me.

"I thought you were asleep." I muttered.

"You didn't think you were gonna find this gold without me, did you?" She scowled. After all these years, she still made me flinch.

"What? Of course not." I chuckled. She raised and eyebrow at me. "Okay, I just thought it would be easier for all of us if I do it on my own. Okay? Nothing personal."

"Oh, i'm taking it a little personal, Nate." She frowned.

"Whatever. It doesn't matter now. I need your help with this."


"Okay, the blue goes there." I stuck the small needle into the compass on the map, and picked up the other cross, stabbing that needle into the compass on the other map. "Red goes there..." I rotated the crosses until they met in the middle as Nate watched in awe. I touched the tips of the crossed down on the spot they met at, locating the gold.

"Oh, my god." Nate muttered, rubbing his hand through his hair. "Oh my god, Chloe." He whipped around, and I stopped him.

"Remember. She doesn't need us, and we don't need her. She can figure it out on her own." He stared at me. "Look, Nate. We've worked extremely hard on this quest, and what has she done?" I hesitated. "Absolutely nothing. This bitch has done nothing but get in the way, and cause a bunch of delays. Now, if we want to find this gold, she's gonna need to stay here." I picked up the maps and packed a small bag, writing down the coordinates of the gold. "Now come on. Let's go to bed, and we leave soon. But I need my sleep or you'll see a side of me you've never seen before."


Braddock and her crew flew across the water, until they arrived on the beach Nate, Y/n, and Chloe had been not too long ago.

"Get out! Come on, jump!" Jason, one of Braddock's crew men yelled.

They walked slowly up the hill, determined to find this gold.


I held the cup of coffee in my hands, as I gazed out the window. Nate and Y/n were still asleep. I just couldn't find sleep anymore, so I'd decided to get up. It was almost 6 anyway. Way later then I slept. I sighed and looked down at the table. Nate had been up last night, apparently.

I sat down at picked up the notepad with the coordinates written down, and Nate's phone sitting next to it. A smile spread across my cheeks, as I looked back at Y/n and Nate cured up in the bed. She was wrapped in his arms.

I was going to find the gold.


"Nate!" I knelt on the bed as I violently shook Nate. "Wake up you asshole!" He sat up slowly and closed one eye, shielding them from the early morning sun. "Chloe's gone, and so are the coordinates!"

"What?" He flung the covers off him. "Chloe?" He walked around the hotel room. "Chloe!"

"Nate, come here." I picked up a note, addressed to both of us. I looked at him as he grabbed it.

I'm sorry, Nate. I like you.
I really do. But I learned the
hard way the minute you start
to trust someone, you lose.

"Yeah, well, too bad you're headed in the wrong direction." He muttered. My eyes widened.

"What? What do you mean?" I stared at him.

"I left the wrong coordinates out, because this is exactly what I expected would happen."

"Oh, my god, Nate! You're a fucking genius!"

"I know." He smiled.

I grabbed the bag we packed last night and got dressed. (comment what you want to wear, I love seeing what you guys like)

"Let's go find this gold."

LOST: Nathan Drake x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now