t h i r t y - f o u r

373 11 7

"Come on, we're so close!" I yelled down, angry that Braddock had made it off the other ship and into ours.

Me and my dad turned our heads around at the sound of the backpack pull of gold sliding backwards, towards the open part of the helicopter.

"No no no!" My dad yelled, putting the ship on autopilot as he went to grab it.

"Dad, what are you doing? Stop!" I yelled. Why did he always have to do this. It's always for the damn money.

He grunted as he went to retrieve the bag, hanging by a strap on the outside of the copter.

I unbuckled, trying to stop my dad. "Dad, stop it! Let it fall, if you don't leave it alone, the boat's going down, with us in here not long after. Please dad, it doesn't always have to be about the stupid money!"

"I almost got it, y/n, it'll be okay!" He said back, grunting as he reached over.

I gasped as i heard something above us in the copter start to break. "Dad!"

I looked down as Nate was climbing up. He got to the top and held out his hand. "Sully!"

"Dad, grab Nate's hand!" I yelled, as I couldn't reach far enough to grab it myself. "Dad, what the hell?"

He sighed and looked down at the bag of gold in his hands. He shook his head. "Shit. Hey Braddock!" He shouted down, and she looked up at us.

My dad threw the bag of gold down onto Braddock, sending her down into the water.

I smiled. I can't believe he did that. I would never have expected my dad to just throw away gold like that to save Nate.

The pole Nate was on started to crack. "Nate!" I screamed.

"Let me handle this. He'll be okay, y/n." My dad said as he pushed me back into the front of the copter. "Nate, come on! Trust me." My dad said as he held his hand out for Nate to grab.

He looked down, jumping off the pole and grabbing my dad's hand as the rest of the boat below went crashing into the ocean.

He started to pull Nate up into the copter as we all looked down at the boat as it floated on the top of the water.

"Look at that, dad." I put my head on his shoulder as he looked at me. "You can't put a price on that."

"Yeah you can, actually. Like 4 to 6 billion." He smiled, and i rolled my eyes.

We all watched as the boat slowly sank into the water. My dad sighed and headed back to the front.

I came over and stood next to Nate, resting my head on his shoulder. He looked at me and smiled, leaving a kiss on my forehead. I wound my fingers through his as i let out a breath of relief. "We did it, Nate."

I felt his cheeks turn to a smile as he turned my face towards his. He looked into my eyes, down at my lips and back to my eyes, before moving his lips onto mine. I closed my eyes and put my hand on the back of his neck, and his went to my waist. He let his hands rest there as our lips were locked together.

"Hey now. Keep in mind that's still my daughter." My dad turned around to look at us, his eyebrow raised.

I blushed, looking at Nate, whose face was just as red as mine. He had a smile on his face, however, as he slipped his hand into mind and led us to the front of the copter next to my dad.

"Hey, Sully. I just want to thank you for what you did for me back there." My dad looked over at him in confusion. "You know, ever since my brother Sam left..." he trailed off.

My heart pained at the thought of Sam, as memories of us three came rushing into my head.

My dad held up a pair of headphones. Right. I forgot he couldn't hear a word Nate had just said.

I sighed as we both put a pair on. "Can you hear me?" Nate said.

"I can now."

"I was- i was just saying we should get out of here." Nate said, his face red of embarrassment.

I looked at him and laughed, him joining in. I rested my head on his shoulder, and he let his fall onto mine.

My dad looked out the window into the water below. "Hey," he looked at both of us. "Is that who I think it is?"

Nate looked confused as he looked down at the small motor boat going across the water below us.

Nate smiled as he saw Chloe in the boat below.

I couldn't help but feel a little bit of jealousy at the sight of her.

"Yeah, I might have let her steal the wrong coordinates." Nate said, a smile creeping onto his face.

I laughed, which was joined in with my dad.

"Hey, you're starting to figure it out." I said, winking at Nate.

"Figure what out?"

"The way of the Sullivans." I smiled.

"Oh. Well, I mean I learned from the best." He looked between us two. "You got a heart of gold, Sully."

"Real funny, wiseass."

"What, too soon?"

"Forever is too soon," I replied, smiling.

Nate reached into his pocket. "Here, maybe this will help. I got you something." He pulled out a bar of gold and handed it to my dad.

"Are you kidding me, kid? For real?" My dad's face was lit up with excitement. It almost reminded me a little kid on Christmas morning.

"Yeah, look. I got this." He pulled out another piece, but they just kept coming. "And these, oh I got loads of it."

"Holy shit, Nate!" I looked at him in astonishment.

"Here here, you'll like this one." Nate said looking at me, as he pulled out a small square of gum, smiling. He handed it to me and I looked at it, my eyebrows furrowed.

"Gee, thanks. This one means a lot." I said, as I tossed it out the window.

Nate's smile turned to a frown, which made me laugh. "That was my last piece, dude."

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Let's just get out of here. I'm hungry, and tired, and need to get out of these clothes."

"Alright alright let's go." My dad said as he turned the copter towards home.

LOST: Nathan Drake x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now