f o u r

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"Nate?" She stepped closer and Victor backed up. "Is... is that you?" Her eyes were glossy as she rubbed my cheek. I grabbed her wrist and pulled it down. I took her changes in. I hadn't seen her in a while. She had grown only by a few inches, and if possible, she was more beautiful than she was 10 years prior to now.

"You're... you're Victor's daughter?" I looked offended. And I should be. She never told me this. But we didn't have time for offended-ness because... well because y/n was standing in front of me, and I haven't seen her in 10+ years!

"Oh, call me Sully." He smiled. What a douche bag.

"Yeah..." she looked down, tears flowing down her cheeks. She looked like she didn't want to be. Maybe that's why she had kept it from me. I was bawling now. "Fuck it, Nate. Come here," she pulled me into a tight hug. She smelled of lavender and vanilla. I smiled softly, being pulled back into our childhood.

"I can't believe... I just want to say-" I started and she laughed, still crying. (To be completely honest, I had never seen her cry. She'd always been the tough one. Well, ok that's a lie. The only time I had seen her cry is when her mother died, (or was supposedly murdered. I mentally wondered if she still thought that. Knowing y/n, I decided yes.)


Y/n: your name
Y/h/l: your hair length
Y/h/c: your hair color
Y/e/c: your eye color
Y/l/n: your last name

"First off, you don't have to." My tears stopped flowing and I watched as Nate braced himself. He knew what was coming, and I didn't want to say it, I just knew he wasn't going to. "Second off, where the hell have you been?! The second..." I hesitated to say the name. I knew it hurt both of us. "Sam... left, you completely shut me out! I didn't know what happened, and I needed you." He winced and I glared.

"Y/n, I'm sorry. You have no idea how hard it is to lose someone as close to you as Sam was to me." Ouch. Bullets could not have been hit harder. My face fell and he realized what he had said. My eyes glossed over and I tried to stay strong. I hated crying in front of people. It made me feel weak, and I didn't like that. I turned around and ran upstairs. "Shit." I heard him mutter.

When I got upstairs, I sat on my bed. I didn't cry and I didn't pout. I just sat. Completely emotionless, fingering the well-worn bracelet around my wrist. I heard a soft knock on my door after a few minutes. I looked up, falling out of whatever trance I was in the minute before. Nate walked in, looking down. Only then did I notice how different he looked. He was... well, he was ripped. And not gonna lie, he was pretty hot. But I didn't look at him any different than I had when we were kids. (Well, maybe a little different considering that he had just said that).

"Y/n look. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to say that, and I didn't mean to shut you out. I didn't think before I spoke, and..." he trailed off. I stood up, crossing my arms.

"Why are you here?" I squinted at him. I hadn't bothered to ask him before, you know, the little "reunion". He shrugged and started to play with the zipper on his jacket.

"Your... dad" he choked out the word, "told me that he was trying to find the ships. Magellan's ships." I froze. What the hell. Why the fuck was he always so obsessive over god damn money?

"The ships... Sam was wanting to find? The ones he disappeared to find?"

"Yeah..." he looked down at me and I sighed. When had he gotten so tall.

"Alright, well lets go. If we have any chance of finding Sam then this is it." He looked at me as if I was crazy and I cocked my eyebrow.

"What? Are you crazy? My parents went there, and never came back. Sam went there, and he hasn't come back. Y/n we could die."

"I agree." I looked around Nate's broad shoulders and saw my dad. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Nate. "What? You don't think I'm sitting out on this do you?" He laughed, popping a sunflower seed into his mouth.

Nate hesitated before turning back at me, taking one snap at his gum, and saying, "ok, let's do it. Let's find Sam."

Oopsies another long one. Do you guys like it? Tell me if u do bc I'm kind of proud of it, and wow I have almost 45 likes! Ik it's not much but i started this 2 days ago!! Tysm for all the support and make sure to vote!

LOST: Nathan Drake x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now