f i f t e e n

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We wandered through some halls, listening to Chloe ramble. I wasn't paying attention, just nodding and oh my goshing at what she said. I don't know why she was so talkative suddenly, but she was.

After a while, Nate had clearly had enough, because he spun around to face her, and snapped, "oh my gosh, Chloe! Shut up!" She stumbled back and rolled her eyes, as if Nate was in the wrong.

"Jees, I was just telling you about-" she started, but something caught my eye. I looked at it and stopped, Chloe running into me.

"Guys stop. Look." I pointed and their eyes followed my gaze to a door, but it was different. It was rounder, and it had a golden outline.

"What the hell is that? We probably shouldn't go in there." Chloe said, adding extra blah to her tone. I ignored her and headed towards the door, fingering the outline. Nate came up behind me and tried to push it open. He struggled for a little. I pushed him to the side and pulled on the small handle, opening the door easily. He huffed and stared. I tramped right past him into the room.

"Whatever. I knew that," he muttered.

We walked in to an empty room with a caged window thing. We looked around, finding nothing but dust and a moldy skeleton. I sighed.

"There's nothing here." I said. When we were about to walk out, I felt something wet on my feet. I looked down to see the floor filling with water. I gasped, and heard the door lock shut and looked over at Nate and Chloe who were already struggling to get out.

"Oh my god! Sully! There has to be another keyhole up there somewhere that opens this door!" Nate screamed, banging the flashlight on the ceiling as the room continued flooding.

"I'm like... literally in a Papa John's right now." He responded, ever so calmly. As if we weren't about to drown.


I scanned the room, searching for a keyhole. Don't ask me what for, because I thought we'd already used the crosses and they weren't needed, but whatever. I started wandering, but saw a big glass wall with a tapestry or terra-cotta with a hole in the middle. They key-slot!

"Found it!" I yelled into the phone and ran over, flipping a table that was in front of the glass. "Excuse me guys!" I apologized to the couple that was eating on the table. I set the phone down on a nearby table and picked up a chair and banged it against the glass. Everyone started screaming, but the glass didn't budge. Not even so much as a crack.

"Hand it over, Victor." I froze, dropping the chair and turning around. Coming face to face with Braddock. Braddock the cock. I hate that bitch. "Give me the cross." I pulled the cross out of my pocket and slowly started handing it to her. She held out her hand and smiled, gun pointed at me, letting it slide off my hand onto the ground with a clank.

She scowled and dove down for it. I punched her shoulder and snatched her gun as she stumbled back, us switching places. She licked her teeth with a groan and put her hands up.

On the phone, Nate groaned and told me to hurry. I slid the cross across the floor. "Shut up. I'm workin' on it."

"I'll shut up when you get us the hell outta here!" He snapped back. I reached down to get the cross, my hands getting lost. I kept the gun pointed at Braddock and looked down for literally two seconds to pick up the cross. But clearly it was two seconds too long, because she grabbed a towel off a nearby table and wrapped it around my wrist, pulling me against the wall with a scream.

On the phone I could hear Nate, Chloe, and Y/n struggling to open the door. "Sully, if you don't turn that damn key we're gonna drown!" He yelled. Braddock held the towel against my throat.

"It's gonna take a little longer than i thought kid." I struggled to respond, gritting my teeth.

"Just hurry!" He screamed. I huffed and grabbed Braddock's wrists, flipping her around, making her the one against the pole. I flipped the cross up with my feet, and grabbed it. Braddock glared at me. I yanked the towel down and flipped her into the table, knocking her out.

Hope you guys like this chapter! Sorry it was kinda long and took a few days to write. Pls vote. Also this chapter probably wasn't very accurate because i couldn't remember exactly what happened at this part, but it's as accurate as I could get it. I'll probably edit the story once Uncharted comes out for free on anything, specifically Netflix or Disney+.

Holy shit! 8.30K! Thank you guys so much. Seriously. This means a lot to me. I love y'all so much!!

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