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I turned the corner, looking behind me to make sure nobody was watching and went to the back room with the cables. When I opened up the lighting and security box, I looked at all the cords. Wow. Who knew there were a bajillion cords to cut inside of an electrical box? Not me.

I fingered through them, contemplating which ones should be cut or twisted off. But as soon as I chose one and reached for it, the small door slammed shut, jamming my fingers in the door. I bring them back hastily towards my chest, screaming in pain. I looked over to this big guy with a small beard. He stunk and I winced. As he grinned at me and followed me, I backed up hitting a wall.

"Now you get the proper greeting of a real Scotsman," he said. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"What?" I seriously did not understand a word he said. All I heard was Scotsman. His accent was too thick. I grabbed his arm and flung him to the ground and ran. No time for cables! As I ran the corner, I saw Nate talking to a weird looking man, and Sully was auctioning for the case. A second later, I saw as Nate punched the dude and ran upstairs. I chased after him, wanting to help him out when something caught the guards's eyes. Oh wait, it was me.

"Dad I think you're just going to have to buy that cross" i said as i ran from the guys chasing me. when one came around I jumped up and kicked him, falling to the ground and grunted. They turned from Nate and chased at me. "Shit," I muttered turning around, only to blocked in by more guards turning the corner.

I looked ahead at the chandelier beside the balcony and braced myself. "This is gonna suck!" I screamed, jumping onto the chandelier. The guards didn't see that coming.

They looked at each other than back to me, confusion and a look of oh-shit-that-was-not-supposed-to-happen in their eyes as i dangled from the lights. I grunted, swinging back and forth as suddenly I -and the big ass chandelier- started falling. I screamed and fell onto the floor.

"Y/n!" Nate screamed as he ran to get me. He helped me up and I looked around for my dad. Everyone was staring at us, screaming and making their way out of the museum. Some people came to help me up as me and Nate looked around and thanked them.

We looked over at the door, and he was walking out, case in hand.

Sorry this chapter is pretty short!! Hope you liked it though! Also holy cow! Nearly 300 reads!! That's insane, thank you all so much for all the support and love, don't forget to vote!!

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