s e v e n t e e n

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"What the hell is this?" I asked rhetorically. "I thought the gold was supposed to be here."

"I don't know..." Nate scratched his head and dug through the salt. "There's nothing in here. Maybe check the other barrels?" I nodded my head and walked over to the others. Me, Chloe, and Nate kicked holes in all of the barrels and sifted through the salt. They were all empty. "I don't understand... where did it all go?" Nate brushed his hair back, frustrated.

"Let me see the map." I rushed over to Chloe and grabbed the map out of her hands. It showed the gold here, exactly where we were. I furrowed my eyebrows and bit my lip. "What the hell? It should be here." I drew my hands down exasperated and shook my head. "None of this makes sense."

I walked over to one of the barrels and kicked it, my foot hitting something. It wasn't hard, definitely not gold, but it wasn't salt either. I looked at Nate.

"Nate, help me climb up onto this barrel. There's something in there. It's not gold, but it's not salt either." Nate walked over to me and gave me a boost on his hands.

"One... two..." he started.

"Three." I jumped up as he pushed his hands up and I placed my feet on his shoulders. I punched a hole in the top of the barrel and dug around in it, not able to find what my foot touched. "Hold on, I can't reach." I jumped down and nudged Nate out of the way, kicking the barrel over, sending it smashing to the ground as the salt scattered all over.

"Whoa." Nate said as he dug through the salt. I walked over and knelt down in it, picking up an old map. Nate and Chloe gathered on either side of me staring at the map. Chloe went behind us as me and Nate studied the map.

"Wait... it makes sense. Sam said something about Magellan and his ships the night he left." Nate looked at me and a light flickered in my brain.

"Wait. You're right! He said the gold was related to the ships." I looked down and thought aloud as Chloe stared at both of us. "You don't think..."

"The gold is in the ships?" Nate finished. "That's what all this is leading up to."

I heard a gun trigger being pulled behind us and spun around, coming face to face with Chloe as she aimed a gun at me.

"Give me the map, Nate." She said and my heart dropped. My eyebrows furrowed as I glared at her. Nate came up behind me and I gripped his hand harder than I ever have.

"W-what?" I stuttered. "Chloe-"

"You should never have trusted me." She walked closer and grabbed the map out of his hands, as well as grabbing my hand, whipping me around and locking me in a choke hold with a gun against my head. She looked at Nate. "Wow, you're just like your brother, Sam." My stomach dropped. How the fuck did she know Sam? Nate froze and looked over at me. "Too bad he's dead." What did she just say? He's not dead, he's alive! He's been sending us post cards! She's lying. That's all she's good at. Right?...

"What?" Nate stuttered. His voice was shaky. I would've said something, but my mouth couldn't form any words. I was in shock. "No... no he's not. He's been sending me post cards. You're lying." Chloe rolled her eyes.

"God, Sully didn't tell you?" She laughed and shoved the gun to y/n's head again.

"Y/n!" Nate screamed. He ran over and Chloe pointed her gun at Nate. He stopped. "Chloe," his eyes locked with mine as i mouthed something to him. A tear rolled down his cheek as Chloe walked over to him, smacking him the head with the barrel of the gun, sending him falling to the floor.

LOST: Nathan Drake x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now