t w e n t y - n i n e

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I stepped onto the land, after about an hour of trying to swim over here. See, I've always had a fear of deep waters, so it was never easy for me to learn how to swim. Not to mention my dads always been an ass, so he's never bothered to help.

I stood there for a minute, debating if I should go into the ship, or just leave Nate there by himself. Come to think of it, the gold was something I promised Sam I would help find. I promised sam I would help Nate find this gold, and we would find it for him.

I wrung out my hair, letting the water drip off me for a minute before entering the ship. When I got in, I stopped in my tracks at the sound a voice I knew too well.

My father.

"I don't see any gold." He said. I rolled my eyes at his condescending tone. He's always had that tone with me, and it drove my absolutely crazy.

"Oh it's here. It's a false top." Nate replied, his tone a little harsh. "Old pirate trick."

My heart skipped a beat as I stepped into view, and my dad turned around.

"Y/n?" He said softly. He looked almost... happy to see me? "Baby, I missed you so much-"

He came to hug me, but I stopped him before he could. "Stay right there, please. Don't come any closer, Sully."

He winced slightly at the sound of me using his real name. I haven't actually called him dad since I was about 10. He hated it, but I didn't feel right calling him dad either, since he didn't really act like a dad to me.

I took a step forward, past my father, and towards Nate to look in the barrel. My eyes widened as I saw what we've been looking for for the last... well as long as I've know the Drake's.

"Here's your gold you've been looking for." Nate picked up a handful of coins, tossing them at Sully. "You happy now?" I stood next to Nate and our hands brushed against each other.

My dad looked up, smiling, as Nate kicked over the barrel, making the gold go everywhere across the ship floor. I jumped back, a little startled.

"Holy shit!" Sully looked at Nate, looking as excited as ever, acting as if he's the one who found it. "You gotta be kidding me." He picked up a lid off of another barrel and tossed it to the ground. "Well look at that, huh?"

Sully went across to the other barrels, kicking them all to the ground, gold falling out of each of them. I rolled my eyes, getting a little angry. Sure, I was excited about the gold, but my dad was being a total dick about it. He's not the one who found it, yet he was spilling it all over the place. Although, Nate didn't seem to care. I looked up at him and scrunched my eyebrows. He had a stone cold look on his face. One that sent chills down my spine.

"It's almost more than we though! Plus, that other ship. Plus the value of the ships themselves, which you can't even out a price on!" Sully went up to Nate, looking between him and me. He was out of breath. Out of freaking breath. I shouldn't be so mad, because Nate didn't seem to care. But I did. "We did it! We actually did-"

I cut him off, bringing my hand up and striking him across the face. "We didn't do anything!" I fumed, and Sully looked confused. Confused on why I just smacked him, and confused on what I meant. "Dad, there is no 'we'. There's only 'you.' Okay?"

Nate looked down at me, nodding. "There's not a person in your life that you wouldn't betray for a piece of this. You made that real clear." Nate got closer to him as he said this. "Okay, not even your own daughter. I mean, look where we are now. She's not even calling you dad anymore because of how self absorbed you are, Sully."

Sully looked exasperated as he looked down at me for a second. He looked hurt, betrayed. Tears pricked my eyes, causing me to look away, still fuming.

"I thought that's what we wanted," Sully said, still sounding utterly confused.

"No, I wanted to do this with my brother, Sam. With y/n. I've always wanted it to just be us three. Not with you."

Sully looked down at his hands, playing with them. I noticed how he does that when he's upset. My mother found it cute, but I thought it was annoying. I never really knew why I hated it so much. Probably just because it was my dad, and I hated him.

"I know. I'm sorry." He shook his head, looking down at me again. "But look around, kid. You did this. You both did this. He'd be proud of the both of you."

They stared at each other for a second, looking as if they were about to hug.

I opened my mouth to say something, but got cut off by the sound of an explosion. I jumped back into Nate's chest, causing him to grab my shoulders. I looked up at him, and he looked at me. Sully started moving towards the sound, following by me and Nate.

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