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When we walked in, I immediately was tranced. It was such a beautiful setting. The floors were white marble and spit shining, and up above us was the biggest chandelier I have ever seen. It looked like cords handing down, but they were different lengths. Y/n caught me looking, and nudged me before she walked in front, taking in her surroundings as well. Sully started speaking as he handed us both a tiny mic and speaker to put in our ears. I grabbed mine and handed y/n's to her.

"Okay, so what we're trying to do is get that golden cross in that case over there." He pointed to a glass case with a small golden cross, with red jewels imbedded into the center and sides. It wasn't an average cross, it had two arms, the bottom one being longer. "We need it to be able to find this gold. So take these. Nate, you go over there and try and disarm the security, Y/n, you... do whatever." She smirked, knowing that she would've done whatever no matter what he told her. "But keep these comms in at all time, and... for the love of God, don't be suspicious." He eyed me. "Okay, now go."

I walked over with him as he got us a simple margarita and stood behind him. I looked around, memorizing the people that were here. I caught one girl completely looking at me and waved. She smiled and I smiled. "This girl is totally flirting with me." I chuckled. Sully looked behind him, seeing the girl. His eyes went wide.

"No, she's not flirting not with you. Look kid," he turned his whole body around and grabbed my arm. "I need you to take this seriously and do your job. Now take this, blend in, and do what I tell you." He nudged me and I walked away, fingering the cup. I set it down somewhere, not wanting to drink it. Wonder where y/n was.


"Oh bitch, please. Like you can fight me." I examined my nails, leaning against the wall in front of the glass case that held the cross. Before you start coming after me, I was hidden, so nobody saw me and this bitch here totally about to square up.

The guard came at me, pulling a knife. I yawned and pulled my gun from underneath my dress, swiping my leg across the floor, knocking him off balance. I some some other guards coming out from behind some doors. Of course this little shit wasn't alone. I rolled my eyes. "Jees guys, let it go," they came at me and I threw punches, getting knocked off balance by one guard. He was big and burly and looked like a substitute teacher. I crinkled my nose and flipped back up, kicking him in the face in the process. "I told you guys I don't need you in my way." Once they were all down, knocked out and bloodied, I walked to the case, totally prepared to break the glass.

"No, not happening." Said a voice beside me. I looked over and saw a dark-skinned girl with a long dress and short hair. Braddock.

I rolled my eyes and turned around, ready to get this over with. "Braddock, seriously? You're always here to ruin my fun." I grabbed the case and started running. I didn't get very far because she swung her leg around and knocked the case out of my hands, making it fly across the floor. "Shit!"

She walked over to it, and grabbed it. "It's been fun, but I-" she got cut off as Nate kicked her over from behind and ran over to help me up.

"God, took you long enough." I said and smoothed my dress.

"Yeah, yeah. Come on let's go. Your dad-" I stopped him. I don't like being called his daughter. It's such a shameful thing to go as.

"Don't call him my dad. Call him Sully, and I'll do the same. I ain't proud of it, and neither is he." I walked off and he stood there, fazed.

LOST: Nathan Drake x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now