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"Dai! Get up! You have to leave soon!" Suga pulled at Daichi's limp arm, the sleeping man barely flinching. Suga let go and huffed, putting his hands on his hips. He knew that Daichi was tired (who wouldn't be with all the work he had to do?), but he had a meeting in an hour, and needed to get ready. 

Suga poked at the brunettes side, hard. Daichi groaned, and rolled over to face away from his boyfriend. "I swear to-" Suga mumbled profanities under his breath, and he plopped down beside Daichi. "I give up! Be late for all I care!"

Daichi reached out blindly and grasped at Suga's forearm, dragging the smaller male into his embrace. He pushed his face into Suga's hair and sighed contently. Suga rolled his eyes, but made no attempt at moving away. Instead, he leaned forward to peck a light kiss on Daichi's lips. 

Suddenly, the latter's eyes snapped open, and he looked at Suga with surprise. He raised an eyebrow, and Suga stared at him expectantly. Daichi checked the clock that resided on their bedside table, and cursed. "Shit! Fuck-sorry!"

Suga laughed as Daichi scrambled up to grab his clothes that had been laid out previously the night before. "That's what I was trying to do! But someone sleeps like the dead!" Daichi glared at the ground, continuing to pull on his outfit, having ditched his pajama pants earlier. Quickly throwing off his sleep shirt, he yanked on his new one, furiously buttoning it up. 

Suga stood up and walked over to Daichi, straightening out his hair. "Okay, go brush your teeth. Breakfast is already done, but I don't think you have time."

Daichi gave him a grateful look and rushed to their shared bathroom. Suga shook his head lovingly and headed into their small kitchen where he had already prepared their starting meal. A soft brown and white calico cat softly rubbed against his leg, and he laughed, gently picking her up. Adira mewed quietly, and Suga nuzzled his face against her soft fur.

The door slammed open, and Suga jumped slightly as Daichi pressed a chaste kiss to his mouth. "Be back at 5. Love you." And without another word, he left.

Adira pawed at Suga's arms, and he put her down. His hazel eyes were wide with shock. It's not like they don't kiss- no, they do. Just not that abruptly. 

He brought his fingers to lightly touch his lips, and he grinned. Glancing at his watch, he reminded himself that they would see each other again in 7 hours. Suga's mood immediately dropped. 7 hours seemed like way too long. He shivered, and rubbed at his cold arms. 

Suga soon left for his own job at a preschool. He was one of their main teachers, and he quite enjoyed the work. The bell rang as he walked in, and Jessica (she moved from America) waved at him. 

"Hi Suga-san!" The words still sounded awkward coming off her tongue, but she was getting better. "We have a new couple that wants to implant their kid!"

He nodded absentmindedly. This happened often. Some person heard something from somebody else, and they wanted to do the same thing, or something along those lines. "Okay, what's the kids name."

Jessica flushed, and she grimaced. "Well...you're dating Sawarmura Daichi, the CEO of that big company, right?"

Suga tilted his head to the side in confusion before nodding. 

"Um- uh, how do I say this?- the little girls name is Hina Sawamura, the father labeled as- oh Gods- Daichi Sawamura."

Suga stopped. He turned from where he was searching the lobby to stare at Jessica. Silence reigned heavy throughout the room. Then a single question sounded so softly, Jessica could barely hear it, but the emotions conveyed were overwhelming.


627 words

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