Last One

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Daichi smiled softly as Suga's bright laughter carried all the way from the left corner of the gym. Hinata was practically jumping on the silver haired setter, wanting to know all about his new teammates. Daichi could tell that Suga was happy finally being of some use for the new first years.

"Yes, yes!" Suga said with an affectionate roll of his eyes. It may have been only a few weeks, but Suga had grown quite fond of the short middle blocker. "We will always have locker rooms! They aren't going to disappear!"

Hinata giggled and waved his arms around excitedly. "Bakayama!!! Come on! Set for meeee!"

Daichi just shook his head and walked over to his boyfriend. He wrapped a strong arm around Suga's shoulders and pressed the sides of their bodies together. "How's keeping up with the new kids going?"

Suga laughed and slapped Daichi's arm playfully. "You're talking as if we're centuries old!"

Daichi snorted and let Suga push his body from where it was resting against the gym wall. Daichi turned around and moved so Suga's arms were draped around his neck, and his own hands were placed on the silver haired man's hips. "Well, to them, we probably are."

Suga grinned and reached up to gently tug at Daichi's hair, a signal for the taller to drop a little bit lower. The brunette did as he was silently asked, and was pulled into a sweet kiss. Nothing long, just a few moments and then their lips disconnected. 

Daichi stared at Suga in awe. He could look at Suga for ages, and still find small things in his appearance and the way the setter acts. There was something about Suga that made Daichi want to just keep his gaze on him the rest of his life. And sometimes, he tells himself that he will.

303 words

A/N: Okay, this is the last one-shot/drabble I'm going to upload, since stuff has gotten pretty crazy recently. But, uhm... yeah. Hope that those who read this didn't think that it was a waste of time. I mean- I had fun at least! Plus, DaiSuga is just like- ADORABLE. So how could I not?

Either way, this is me finishing off this 36 (35? Does the A/N count?) part story! Sincerely, me! (If you get that reference, can we be friends? Like- PLEASE?)


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