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Daichi chortled out a laugh as he scrolled through his past texts from high school. Karasuno was such a chaotic team that he sometimes found himself doubting that they had ever somehow won a match. Daichi sighed, in all honesty, Hinata and Kageyama's quick attack was probably what had saved the team- along with Asahi coming back and Nishinoya's shockingly amazing skills. Daichi smacked himself. What was he thinking? Everyone on the team was equally important, no matter what position or skill set. 

Except for your stupid ass, a tiny voice in Daichi's mind whispered. If only you were more than a stupid captain who could barely keep a team together, Suga might have actually accepted your damn confession.

Daichi growled lowly at himself and slammed his hand down on the desk that he was sitting at, his phone about to break in his clenched fist. 

He took a deep breath and set his phone down gently. It wasn't his phone's fault, and he didn't want to have to pay for it to be fixed. Plus, Suga had said that he had good reason to turn down his confession. 

Daichi wasn't told what those reasons were, of course, but he wasn't going to push the smaller man. All Suga had told him was: 

"I'm really sorry, Daichi, but- I just- I can't. I know how bad that sounds, but I swear that I don't and never will hate you! Just- just remember that, okay? Alright, I- I should go-"

To that day, Daichi hadn't figured out what Suga had meant by "I can't". A short thought flickered into his mind, but he pushed it away. Why would Suga's parents ever be homophobic? They were the nicest people Daichi had ever met! Well... except that time when they sneered at him when he indirectly mentioned the fact that he was polysexual... and when they scoffed at a lesbian couple holding hands... and that time when they didn't respect Yamaguchi's pronouns and didn't use the they/them that Yamaguchi preferred... yeah, there were actually a lot of times when Suga's parents had been straight up homophobic. How had Daichi not seen it?

Quickly scrambling for his contacts, Daichi furiously scrolled down to Suga's name, and he hesitantly clicked on the icon. He typed a sloppy message and sent it as fast as he could.

Hi Suga, sorry to bother you after the loss of contact, but I thought we should catch up.

Daichi saw three small dots appear, and he held his breath as the dots vanished, then reappeared. The text was suddenly sent, and he sucked in a breath at what it said.

I apologize, but Sugawara Koushi committed suicide 2 years ago. 

455 words

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