Partners In Crime

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Suga laughed loudly and stalked towards the tall walls surrounding the castle. The Prince that was trying to negotiate with him stuttered and stumbled while he tried to keep up with the silver haired man. 

Suga smirked as he reached the doors, shoving them both open at once. All eyes snapped to him as he strutted throughout the streets of the no-name Kingdom.

"Mr. Sugawara- please, we can form a solution! There's no need for this rash behavior!" The Prince stammered out, his voice trembling from fear. 

Suga raised an eyebrow and stared at the Prince with waiting eyes. It was no myth that the infamous criminal duo of the Karasuno Kingdom have taken down countless Kingdoms and rulers with just the two of them. Nobody knew where the second member- Daichi Sawamura- currently was, but they were still apprehensive. 

"Yes, actually, there is." Suga responded, glancing at his fingernails, which he was playing with. His boredom was obvious, and the Prince gulped.

Suga continued his tramp to the castle and let his eyes rake across the top of the shops and stalls. He caught the brief movement of what seemed to be a little bit larger than normal crow, and he grinned. 

Good timing, Daichi. He thought.

The crow flew above the castle's silver spirals, diving into an opening in the roof. A distant scream was heard from the throne room in the manor, and the Prince's head whirled around to find where the sound had come from. His eyes widened, and he practically ran to the castle. 

Suga cackled and walked, still staying right behind the royal. Oh, this would be a fun one.

Suga licked his lips and cracked his knuckles as he entered the enormous front door of the castle, the doors already being open from the Prince rushing in. 

The Queen lay spread out the stairs in front of the three thrones, her hands covering her eyes. Blood spilled out and onto the floor. She was shaking with sobs, her husband trying to comfort her with a medic right beside her. 

Daichi was perched on the back of the King's throne, blood dripping off of his talons. If crows could gloat, that's what Daichi would be doing. 

Suga rolled his eyes and headed towards his partner in crime. "Why hello there, Dai." The crow cawed and ruffled its wings. "Good job- it looks like they'll be busy for the next few moments."

The crow jumped down to the actual seat of the throne and slowly morphed into his human form. Daichi stepped down and sat on the chair, leaning back and crossing his legs with a smile.

"You're right. We have quite a bit of time to take care of the other guards." Daichi mused, his tone sultry and low. Suga shivered and beamed. 

"Piece of cake, I'll do it." Suga replied, his arms crossed over his chest. Daichi nodded and motioned to a door on the far left of the room. Suga walked to it and yanked on the handles. Locked. 

Without even looking back at Daichi, Suga took out his pistol that sat on his left hip and backed up. He fired once at the lock. It broke, and Suga blew off the tip of his gun, settling it back it its place.

He now opened the door and headed inside. There, four guards were conversing intensely, somehow not having heard the past commotion. 

Suga leaned against the door frame, watching the men argue. Suddenly, he knocked on the side of the wall, and all four pairs of eyes flickered to him before being shot in rapid succession. Suga had swiped out his gun once more and fired all four of them quickly before scanning the rest of the room. He found no one else and shrugged. He left and held up four fingers to Daichi, then clenching his hand into a fist. Daichi grinned and nodded. 

Suga's gaze then moved to watch the royals as the Queen cried about her now lost sight. The medic shook her head and gestured at her hands. 

"I can't do anything about it! She will lose her eyesight!" She exclaimed, and the King growled, lashing out at her. 

"You just aren't trying hard enough!" He shouted, and she flinched back, sparing a glance at the Queen before packing up her stuff and leaving. 

Suga held down a laugh and walked to where he was right beside Daichi, his arm resting on the brunette's shoulder. "I don't think that there are anymore that will stand against our rule, since these past ones don't seem like the nicest people."

Suga shrugged at Daichi's statement, his eyes never straying from the almost laughable scene playing out before him. "Well, that much may be true, but I don't think the citizens will think that a couple of criminals are any better."

Daichi let out an amused chuckle. "You never know." He said, and Suga moved so that he could drape himself over Daichi's lap.

"Yeah yeah, sure darling." Suga waved his hand and shifted his weight so he was more comfortable laying on his boyfriend.

The King's voice abruptly stopped short, and Daichi raised an eyebrow as he stood up slowly. The King stormed up to the couple and jutted a finger at both of them. "HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO ME AND MY WIF-"

His sentence was cut off as he was shot in the head by Suga. The man in question sighed exasperatedly and set his gun down. "I swear," He whined as the King went limp and fell to the ground. "Why do they always have to be so noisy?"

Daichi let the silver haired man have his way, and he shook his head. "Don't ask me. From what I know, he should've just kept his mouth shut and sucked up being thrown into his own prison cell."

Suga giggled hysterically and kicked his legs back and forth, up and down in a childish manner. 

The Prince wailed as he saw his father be murdered. "Wh-what have you done?!"

Suga shrugged and stared at the boy with a manic look. "I've just done us all a favor, pretty boy~!"

The Prince trembled as tears piled up in his eyes. Suga clicked his tongue, and waved his gun around carelessly. "Come on, now! That's the best you can do? I wanna see you SCREAM!"

Daichi rested his hand on Suga's stomach, effectively stopping the assassins monologue. "Koushi, I believe that you should keep yourself in check."

Suga pouted but did as he was told. He wasn't about to ruin his relationship with Daichi over a stupid, useless, little son of a bitch. 

"This has been quite fun though!" Suga jeered out, and Daichi couldn't help but tug the shorter male up to press a violent kiss to his lips. Suga hummed and reciprocated the kiss with a harsh mouth. 

The Prince looked on with a disgusted face as the two criminals grinned at each other with a smug face for Suga and a satisfied one for Daichi. 

"Well! Now this Kingdom is basically dead, where to next, darling?" Suga asked, and Daichi pulled out his phone to check for any new texts from Kiyoko for where to go next. He found nothing new, so he shut off the device and placed it on the arm rest of the throne next to him, presumably the Queens.

"It seems we have time, so where would you like to go see, my love?" Daichi inquired, the question and the pet name flowing off his tongue in a way that made Suga shudder in anticipation. 

"Oooh, I don't know..." Suga thought about it for a second before snapping his fingers. "What about Sejoh?! I would just love to see Kawa again!"

Daichi nodded and lightly pushed for Suga to get off of him so they could stand up. Suga did as hinted and they left the Kingdom with fingers intertwined and the sounds of panicking people behind them. 

1346 words 

(This was definitely my favorite to write lmao)

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