Good Time

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Suga tipped his glass up, sipping leisurely at the drink. He was sitting alone at a bar, waiting for Akaashi to show up to their get together. But Suga was pretty sure that the blue eyed beauty wouldn't be showing up at all since he saw a white and black haired man at the front pull Akaashi to the side. Suga wasn't sure what for, but he knew that Akaashi could hold his own, so Suga decided not to interfere.

"Well hello, baby~" A very much drunk older man stumbled into the seat next to Suga, and the silver haired male stared at him with disgust. "How 'bout you come with me and I show you a good time~?"

Suga inched away from the man and held his hands up. "Yeah, no thanks."

The guy pitched forwards and Suga tensed up, ready to call for security if the man did anything else. "Now come on-"

"I think that he said to leave him alone." A new voice sounded from behind Suga, and the latter whirled around to find a largely built brunette whose arms were crossed over his chest. "So I think you should be going on."

The man that had tried to hit on Suga growled and stood up, tripping to the nearest bathroom. 

Suga sighed and his shoulders dropped. He turned to the mystery man that had saved him. "Thank you, that was getting really awkward."

The man grinned and held out his hand. "No worries! I'm Daichi, by the way."

Suga smiled softly and shook his hand. "I'm Sugawara."

"Well then, Sugawara, would you like to have a drink?" 

Suga raised an eyebrow and leaned back in his seat. "Oh, so you come swooping in to save the maiden just to then do the same thing?"

Daichi laughed, shaking his head. "No- no! That's not- that's not what this is!"

Suga chuckled along with him and beamed. "Yeah, I know. Just buy me that drink and I'll call it even."

Daichi blinked in disbelief. "You're kidding, right? I literally just saved your ass from that creepy idiot and you want me to now buy you a drink?" Daichi paused, and Suga stared at him expectantly. "Okay."

Suga's eyes widened. He wasn't expecting that. "Wait- hold on, really?!"

Daichi giggled and shrugged once more. "I don't know- sure!"

Suga rolled his eyes and swirled his straw for his current drink around in his glass. "Well then, if you don't mind, I think I'll have a cocktail."

Daichi smirked and called the barista over by her name. "Two cocktails please."

The waiter nodded and hurried back to make the drinks. Suga and Daichi made small talk as they waited, and Suga learned quite a lot about this supposed Police Officer. Soon, their drinks were being pushed in front of them, and they both thanked the girl.

"Okay, so, you're trying to tell me that you somehow ended up breaking your wrist because you fell from a tree when you were breaking up with your now ex?!" Daichi repeated, blinking. 

Suga cackled, placing his free hand on his knee. "Yep, pretty much!"

Daichi laughed, covering his mouth with his hand. "Oh my God... that's hilarious!"

And so the two continued to talk and ended up exchanging numbers. 

Akaashi never showed up. 

534 words

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